BREAKING NEWS! Jeffrey Epstein dead by suicide, found in Manhattan jail cell

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I donā€™t think thereā€™s even a doubt about that.

Are there more " MYSTERIOUS SUICIDES "to come???

I donā€™t know why thereā€™s so much scepticism. I mean, if the New York Times and The Washpost (stand by for satire) report that it was suicide, thatā€™s good enough for yours truly.

The ME ruled it a suicide, it doesnā€™t really matter who reports it, the findings were by a fully qualified and highly respected forensic pathologist and one of the top five or ten forensic pathologists in the world also attended and observed.

Unless and until someone can produce overwhelming evidence the autopsy was somehow faked or that she misrepresented what she actually found Iā€™m going with ā€œsuicideā€.

Well Iā€™m still going with fake nooze - two many high-profile skeletons in cupboards?

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When you have actual evidence the autopsy was faked or that she misrepresented her findings present it.

Like an ordinary Joe like me would or could ever get access to evidence like that?? :roll_eyes:

The WWW puts more information at your fingertips today than ever existed before in all of human history just a couple of decades ago.

If itā€™s out there surely you can find it.

Just a hunch I have is all. Like I said, there are many high profile individuals involved, and truthful info would be hard to find, even if it is out there - which I doubt. Speculation is acceptable in this medium.

Filling your head with and/or relying on conspiracy theories absent fact to say the least is neither helpful nor healthy.

Speculation is a valid form of discussion, so please stop giving me your unwanted advice.

Are you referring to the female ME (canā€™t remember her name) or the Epstein ME that is under a gag orderā€¦?

Only one ME can render a lawful and binding official statement as to cause and manner of death in any jurisdiction. In this case it was the Chief ME for the City, County, and State of NY.

Dr. Baden also attended and observed if he has anything contrary to say heā€™s one of the top guys in the world and Iā€™d be happy to listen to him and give his opinion the weight itā€™s due.

Maybe you are better suited for the conspiracy threads in this forum?

If the NY Times and the Wash Post reported the earth is flat,the moon made is made of green cheese and there are green men on Mars, would you believe these LIBERAL RAGS.
Di you think for a second, the people on his list would allow him to go trial or have a plea deal??? Can you see Bill Clinton answering questions why his name appears 26 times on the flight log???

Clinton and the rest will still have to answer those questions under oath in both the civil and criminal trials to follow.

Another one bites the dust! Damn! The witnesses are disappearing into thin air!

Heā€™s probably lying aside of Jimmy Hoffa.

Too many coincidences surrounding the death of this mofoā€¦we will likely never know WTF happened but my money is on him being ā€œsilencedā€.