Biden's VP choice = Kamala Harris

So Pelosi can sweep in on the technical and get the presidency. Two birds one stone.

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Piglosi is going to die!


Is she really an Afro American?

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It appears that Bob Hope was correct when he compared The Democratuc Party to zombies. In fact I would suggest it is the second worst political party in the free the free world only out-classed by the labor party of the UK. Biden and Harris can be compared to Frankenstien and his bride!

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Amazing how blow jobs work. Ruined one democrat politicians career (B. Clinton) and advanced another’s democrats career (K. Harris)


Harris was always my preference for the nominee, but she has always been my choice as VP, now if he can appoint her to AG as well that would be fantastic!

She is an Israel-firster.
A preferred choice for the Deep State.

Yeah ok! Your inner Mao likes to make cameos in b-rated movies! Go figure!

Something tells me that this pizza guy orders chicken pizza with white sauce and cauliflower



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And the mainstream media say nothing about it.

Apparently, the elements of the Marxist Democrat Party known as ANTIFA and BLM want to tear down statues of any participant of the slavery in America being brought here, sold here, purchased here or descended from any of the above. This applies to everyone…except KAMALA HARRIS! They want her to be our Marxist Vice President!