Bernie Sanders Running for President in 2020



Probably so. Today in America you can get fired for stating political opinions that more than half the country agrees with. Your life can be ruined for saying things that weren’t even controversial thirty years ago. We are the communist country we were taught to fear. It’s the perfect place and perfect time for a worthless piece of shit like Bernie Sanders.

Oh, lookie there. The old and decrepit socialist, who likes vacationing with communists is now taking up the mantle of the forgotten man and woman in his announcement to run for President.

Well, I am the forgotten woman, he don’t speak for me. In fact that ideology is what allowed for many groups to be forgotten. Besides, our great President Donald Trump has already earned the loyalty of the Forgotten Men and Women all over this country! Don’t give up hope!

I wasn’t for him from the beginning. I knew he was for many of the things I believed in, and I knew Bernie had been consistent in these beliefs for many years.

It took watching him many times for me to understand the immensity of Bernie’s morality. The things he’s speaking out about are the right things to do to make our society better, much better.

Bernie is strong enough to be himself, brave enough not to need a daily remake, and inspiring enough to draw enormous cheering crowds. We’ve never seen the likes of such a candidate. I don’t believe that conventional wisdom can fathom what Bernie can achieve.

Bernie will complete the transformation of the US into a superior version of France…Yikes!

Who is responsible for the laws governing asylum?

Who is responsible for funding more judges to deport people?

Who is responsible for the funding for border security?

Who is blocking funding?

Who is responsible for sanctuary cities?

Would be fun to see liberals Teslas on fire, this is what they voted for.

A few questions:
The US is 22 trillion in debt.

Exactly how will Bernie pay for free college tuition? Will he also pay for room and board?
Exactly how will Bernie pay for his single payer healthcare plan?

Bernie is a democrat socialist. Do you know what that is?
Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production with an emphasis on self-management and/or democratic management of economic institutions within market socialism or decentralized and participatory planned economy.

So you advocate government take over of all industry?
Exactly how will he compensate the owners of businesses he plans to take over?
As the government cannot pass gas, how exactly do you think bernie will have a planned economy?
Exactly how will bernie pay down the debt to fund his social programs?
How many wealthy will pack up and give you and bernie the middle finger?

People love bernie because he says FREEEEE!

Want free, vote for me.

Look on the bright side, if the Democratic Socialists take over, we’ll finally get that wall, it will just have a slightly different purpose, to keep people in as opposed to out of the country.

Sad to see him embarrass himself like this. I thought the legal trouble his wife got into would have cooled his ego.

Looks like the feds dropped a clear case of fraud to let him run again. How cozy…

While both Bernie Sanders and Jane Sanders had insisted from the outset that she did nothing wrong, the case loomed as a potential liability if the senator makes another run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2020.

I remember when he was to give a speech and that BLM woman drummed him off the stage. He ran with his tail between his legs.

How is a person that lily-livered able to play hardball on behalf of our nation?

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How does someone:

Own three homes

Become a millionaire in a free market system

Honeymoon in the USSR

Never hold a real job

Spend hundreds of thousands on private air travel

Claim to be a Socialist and qualified enough to be President?

I don’t know—ask @BernieSanders

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Why would anyone elect an idiot like bernie when there are a little bit better idiots out there to chose from??

As if any of that matters to the kind of people who will vote for him, all they care about is that he offers lots of “free” stuff. Nobody demands a stellar resume from the person they hire to steal other people’s stuff for them.

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Has anyone asked the CIA and the FBI if he’s allowed to be President?


I for one am very delighted to hear that Sanders is running. Just a few hours after making his announcement he collected more campaign donations than Senator Harris has collected in total since making her announcement. Sanders once again will fill the venues at his campaign rally’s, he will bring in large sums of money for his campaign.

Sanders will drive the DNC further to the left and by doing so pull supporters away from the other Democrats that will be running. I see this as a God send for President Trump.



I find it amazing how the left supports his free agenda and paying for it is rarely discussed except tax the rich bastards.

The problem is we just don’t have enough rich bastards.

because leftists are too stupid to comprehend simple things

I mean let’s break it down, who supports Bernie?

Unemployed Proletarians

aging marxist hippies still stoned from their acid tripping days

and economically illiterate people who rushes out to pay day to get their payday loans, to pay their subprime car loan while working for minimum wage

Or the lazy on welfare who thinks working for living is a sin.

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