Not sure why you would love “DNC shills” or why you believe this is exactly “election time,” but I do understand how believing you are being schooled by a pro would ease your justifiable feelings of inadequacy.
Well, we are not Canada…where the entire country has free healthcare. Obama thought that would work for the U.S.
Bernie Sanders rather “give free stuff”. Biden rather just “take your guns away”.
I am glad that Sanders dropped out. He should have dropped out months ago - as in January.
I think Biden will have several problems going into the next few months - leading up to the National Election in November. Going up against Trump is not going to be a “smooth road” for “Sleepy Joe”. He has a hard time even remembering where he is. Not to mention, Trump will dump the entire “Hunter Biden and Ukraine”. He can’t even answer with an honest answer. He is protecting his own son. Even Joe was involved in that scandal. He will certainly have to answer that to the American people.
Hey, Slick Ricky Tavy, how many of us here do you believe in any far right etc groups.
Yor Anti Trumpism has affected your brain cells causing a severe lack of cerebral activity .
We’re not all beer guzzling nut jobs, but have a clear understanding of the 2nd Ammendment. What don’t you comprehend what SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON means.
The Clintons through their Luca Brasi probably gave Bernie a desl he couldn’t refuse. At least there might no be another mysterious " suicide"
The so called Free Healthcare isn’t Free !! It’s paid by a type of tax!!!
So much illiteracy, so little interest. Let’s see how much pro bono, special ed work I feel like helping you with …
Don’t know or care how many groups you belong to. Being a member of the trump cult tells me all I need to know.
Deep throating what rightard media waves in front of your gaping jaws does not give you a real understanding of any part of the Constitution. You cannot compensate for trumping your earlier educational opportunities by mindlessly grazing rightard internet sites now.
The Clintons? Don’t forget about their child sex ring in the basement of that pizza place!
Our current health system isn’t free either, simp. In fact, it is the most expensive in the developed world, while ranking behind several other nations in quality of care. BTW, you already pay for those who don’t have insurance, or you would if you had a job. Every time some poor person, including illegal aliens, goes to the emergency room for something that could have been treated more cheaply with earlier treatment, the cost is passed along to the rest of us in terms of higher premiums. Big Pharma, Big Insurance, and Big Hospitals merely exploit your fear and ignorance to sucker you into keeping their profits higher.
The so called Free Healthcare in other countries is funded by a type of tax whether its an extra tax on gas at the pump or on alcohol it isnt free.
I agree that insurance companies raid our wallets because of illegals who are criminals, don’t deserve a DAMN thing except DEPORTATION.
By the way SLICK RICK , I’m not a simp.You are another Loony Liberal that insults the President and hasn’t accepted the election results which he won fair and square .
Actually, we are the ones who use regressive taxes on alcohol and other sin taxes to supplement our inefficient health care system. Other countries pretty much use a direct tax. The point is that people in those countries end up paying less for health care than we do through our contributions to employer insurance (that could be put in our pockets as salary) and copays and caps and deductibles, etc. WE PAY MORE. We just don’t call it taxes.
Oh, another benefit would be that business would be freed from the burden of administering health insurance, which could not only make America more competitive in the world, it could also allow for higher pay to employees.
As for your fascist desires to allow poor illegals to die in order to spare you $10/yr, can’t help you with that one right now, as it is currently against the law. You’ll just have to hope more people can be frightened into becoming fellow scapegoat herders, “Christian.”
Also, if someone smokes a pack of cigarettes a day or drinks a 12-pack of beer it stands to reason that they are going to incur more healthcare costs than those of us who do not. I’m not saying that you are statistic is true because you didn’t provide a source and you should when citing data like this.
Yeah that is a real convincing argument! If you love giving 70% of what you earn to the government than why don’t you move to a socialist country? Sounds like you want to apply the same tired old method to create and contribute to making another problem.