Everyone with half a brain has always known that transgendered “people” are weak minded, attention starved fools with hormonal problems.
Thanks to WuFlu we now have the ability to change the whole cultural zeitgeist, steering it to a place where
the vast majority regard this sort of thing as an abomination.
No one gives a shit about about mentally deranged nutjobs who chop their dicks off and can’t get their gender bending hormone shots in the middle of a pandemic.
If what I said does not apply to you, then you have no need to be so defensive. I’m simply pointing out that nobody supported trump in the belief that narcissistic blowhard had ever shown any competence at anything during his career as an inheritor - okay, laundering Russian money, maybe. They support him, because he hates the same people they do, and he trolls all those snooty people who look down on them. It’s why he so loves the poorly educated. Because he offers a scapegoat in every pot, they love him back.
Alex seems to believe this is a good place to share his gay porn and that combining it with some Antifa victim-wannabe makes it political. I guess he’s so busy trembling over that boogeyman that he is unaware that rightard terrorism is a greater threat currently than is the old Muslim boogeyman.
Ah, your reflexive defensiveness WAS justified. Have you considered social distancing as a way to protect you from catching the trans? Sure, it would mean a drastic change in your current social habits, but better safe than sorry.
.[quote=“LulzyKoshermitts, post:27, topic:7735, full:true”]
Sounds like others might need to practice social distancing to avoid catching the rope.
No idea what that weak I-know-you-are is supposed to mean, but I’m sure you did the best you could
Hey, don’t forget those two scary-looking Black Panthers in Philly that had Deplorable nation wetting their panties. Stay vigilant! Remember to check under your bed daily for commies!
We have been preparing for this for a very long time. We welcome it. We are now accelerating towards collapse. It’s what we have always wanted. When it finally does all collapse…you should know what happens next.
Ah, you are trying to scare me, but you are too gutless to do it openly and risk moderator wrath. Nice try, but I’m not some easily frightened Deplorable sissy.
Besides, nobody is intimidated by the prospect of a bunch of beer-bellied geezers fondling their guns because Extenze didn’t work and indulging their GI Joe fantasies of rising up in a wheezing assault on the sane. I can understand how your fantasies soothe the pain of your emasculation, but there are dangers involved for you, if you take your silly self seriously.
I didn’t say anything about “rednecks,” but I’m guessing a lot of you are redneck posers who would dance a revulsion jig at the prospect of baiting a hook. I know that while a few of you are actual traitor terrorists, most of you just sit in circle jerks, licking each others emasculation wounds and giving manly man reacharounds in compensation. I know you can’t even risk confronting a mod by making your threats openly. I know your alligator mouth overloads your hummingbird asshole.
BTW, I hate to interrupt the Deplorable self-pity party sharing your hysteria about leftist and homo and trans threats, but the fact is right-wing losers are currently the greatest threat to America:
Executive Summary
There is empirical and anecdotal evidence that far-right hate groups pose a significant threat to public safety. Far-right extremists commit many violent attacks, and some scholars conclude that far-right extremists, especially groups motivated by religious ideology, are strong candidates to commit future acts using weapons of mass destruction (Gurr & Cole, 2002; Tucker, 2001). Research analyzing data from the Extremist Crime Database has shown that active members of far-right extremist groups have been involved in over 330 homicide incidents in the last 20 years (Freilich, Chermak, Belli, Grunewald & Parkin; Gruenewald, 2011). Similarly, a national survey of State law enforcement agencies concluded that there was significant concern about the activities of far-right extremist groups, and that more states reported the presence of far-right militia groups (92%), neo-Nazis (89%), and racist skinheads (89%) in their jurisdictions than Jihadi extremist groups (65%) (Freilich, Chermak & Simone, 2009). Despite these important concerns, few projects have empirically studied far-right hate groups in the United States. This study aims to address this research gap by exploring the factors that distinguish violent far-right hate groups from non-violent far-right hate groups.
No, I’m quite certain you would never allow facts and objective evidence to interfere with your fear and hatred and your need to blame others for your inadequacies. You are ruled by raging emotion and clearly cannot think in terms more sophisticated than tribal impulses.