Barr: I think spying did occur! Wow

I think she looks upset because she knows she was treated properly and her foil…Donald Trump…Got the muddy end of the FBI stick.

The worm is about to turn.

Remember how the media laughed and laughed when Trump said he was being spied on and Trump Tower was bugged?

No so funny now.



They are still laughing and doubling down. Just look at the twitter thread I posted?

The guilty are defending themselves with denials. The two-faced, double standard bearers in leadership positions are showing their colors.

Chuckie Schumer should apply this logic to his bedmate, Adam Schiff.,but no; it only applies to the opposition.

Perpetuating conspiracy theories is beneath the office a congressman…especially one sitting as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

As has been proven many times over…liberals accuse others of what they have themselves been doing.

Speaking of traitors who should have been removed from office…

Is there real evidence of the government spying on the Trump campaign? Yes! Just ask ADM Michael S. Rogers, U.S. Navy. He said there was and would know.

Oh…let’s see you get down on your hands and knees and pray to your demon God “Please PLEEEEEASE oh mighty demon god, send us some regretful Trump voters”

This is your prayer. This is your hope. To maintain any level of self respect, you NEEEEED Trump voters to regret their vote.

Hahahahahahahahahaha… you and Avenatti go to the same church it seems.

Chucky will soon learn the definition of “shat”.

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Of course it was spying. By definition it was literally spying.

Hell, they not only spied on the campaign and former campaign members they conspired with foreign agents to frame them and trump.

Lest we not forget it began as a “counter intelligence” operation as it’s justification.

But … Watergate, Republicans are bad, the seriousness of Left Winger charges…

Liberals seem bent out of shape with the connotation of spying. To them (for purposes of denying that it happened), spying is not what the FBI does. They use surveillance techniques…permitted by court order.


Reduced to its most elementary definition, it is observing or recording what someone does without their knowledge.

Call it surveillance, snooping, watching, following, observing or whatever euphemism for spying you want. It is definitely spying.

AG Barr was not incorrect to call it such.

They (Liberal Mocking Bird Media) are just playing a semantics game. Plausible deniability is right out of the HC playbook!

Any surreptitious gathering of intel is spying, anytime you employ agents to try and entrap others it is spying.

Both are exactly what was going on.

For some reason they simply can’t admit it.

Interesting article about Bill Priestap revealing just how wrong the FBI’s approach is when it comes to spying!

…and the acquisition of a warrant to spy makes no difference whatsoever. Even the warrant was secret from the target.

No question about that. Considering the FISA courts grant over 99% of warrant requests it’s not like their blessing has any special meaning.

They inserted a spy into the campaign surreptitiously.

They coordinated efforts of foreign agents to meet with Papadopalous.

They wiretapped the campaign.

They sent agents into meetings at Trump tower surreptitiously.

How the hell is that not spying?

The left who are screaming about this being called spying were screaming about the Patriot Act allowing spying on US citizens simply because it put togther a coordinated database for facial recognition and allowed for the maintaining of metadata records.

Damnable hypocrites.

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No apologies for mocking him either.