Thugs are looking for any excuse to riot and burn. The guy in this video totally deserved what he got. He was resisting arrest, attacking police officers, and stole one of their weapons (taser) and aimed it at them. As soon as he did that they opened fire. Open and shut as far as I’m concerned.
Actually, he fired it at them. Watch the aftermath of the shooting in the video linked in Post #20.
If you are watching all of this unfold and you’re wondering when the “debt” whites owe for history will be paid, the answer is NEVER.
This is all we’re going to do anymore, for the rest of your life, is pay tribute to insatiable bloodlust and revenge. Because that’s what makes America great!
Apparently the State AG is looking to score a few political points as well. Truly disgusting!
It’s not even possible. But ending racial hatred would go a long way…
Agreed, this shooting was justified.
I love how people running around spectating and blocking the ambulance. Also, here is the rap-sheet. He should have been in prison for 21 years, but was let out early supposedly (due to covid?). Cruelty to children, false imprisonment, and obstruction of law enforcing officer are the few highlights.
This shitbag should have been in prison but they let him out because they were worried about him getting sick…then they lock people up for trying to open their businesses and feed their families. Meanwhile, the media wants us to feel bad for this shitbag?
Is it no surprise now that society is breaking down when perceiving such double standards put forth by the very same people who hide behind such words like “the Law” no longer applies to moral standards?
Fighting back is what keeps getting these idiots killed. Assaulting police officers gets them killed a lot. Stealing a tazer and trying to taze a cop is what got shit for brains killed at Wendys. Not racism, not institutionalized anything. Fighting back.
Exactly what major cesspool city isn’t out of control???
Here are more footages of the actual altercation
Security footage showing Rayshard turning around and firing the taser gun (starts at 1:04)
A violent criminal who struggles with the police gets shot by the police.
What’s the big deal?
The big deal is that the racial profiles fit the current narrative.
I actually watched this video in its entirety, quite the departure for me when I have so much work to do.
Anyway, a few observations from this video.
Mr. Brooks, it appears couldn’t seem to get his story straight. He is caught lying about how much he had to drink as well as what he drank. Daiquiri or Margarita? 1 drink to 1 and a half drinks? Did he drive his car through the drive through, or his girlfriend drop him off etc., etc. Then to top it off he doesn’t seem to know where he is in terms of knowing the names of streets he supposedly drove on. “This is Atlanta” Not to mention he blows a 10.8, well over the legal limit.
Lastly, after the fatal shots and the scene is processed by the arriving supporting officers, the officer is clearly distressed about what happened, and the fact he has to go in a separate car to be processed separately for an investigation adds to the stress, something he will be dealing with until the legal aspect of this case reaches its conclusion, which can be weeks, months. This part I don’t envy what police officers have to go through, let alone having to live with the fact of killing a suspect due to an altercation gone wrong. Shit like this sucks, and the timing of it is even worse when considering all that is going on in the after math of the Floyd event. STRESS! When one gets under the florescent lights of the station that stress becomes amplified. Reality! Hurry up and wait! No one is wearing masks? Ha! Imagine that! The police station looks like a hospital!
This is the video from when the officer first approached him while asleep in the car.
Which doesn’t make it factual does it.
The mistake the officers made was to spend too much time on this drunk who was incoherent and lying through his teeth.
I understand their concern that he would cause an accident if he started driving in this condition, but the time and energy was not spent wisely.
I wonder if they couldn’t simply take the guy’s license and car key, saying something to the effect “Come to such and such police precinct to pick up your car key and license tomorrow after you sober up.”
In this particular case, yes.