Armageddon Is that the future?

Absolutely correct. Iran has nothing to gain.
The US has nothing to gain, given all the money wasted in terms of the military spending in the Middle East, courtesy of the US tax payers.

Cui bono?
Only Israel.


See the pattern?
The more the Big Chief blabbers about this and that, including intended character assassinations, the obvious becomes blurred.
So who is the chief really working for?

You assassinate your own character, we just point it out.

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I was talking to Chief, not you.

“Chief?” Thanks I will take that as a compliment as you know Zero about my people’s rich traditions! Is that what ingesting lead based paint chips when you were a child handicapped you that incapacitated your brain functions? Your attempt at levity is as lame as your OP’s you regularly produce here, what will be next? “African migrants secretly transplanted on Jupiter perpetrated by the ■■■■■ ?? Ha ha! Can’t wait to see what your next conspiracy OP is! Thanks I enjoy laughter !:rofl::rofl:

That’s a good one. I might use that in the future, chief.

Thanks! You are the gift that keeps on giving! We need a comedy category created just for your posts!:rofl:

Conspiracy comedy.

A grat idea.

Maybe firewall it to be accessible only by the digit.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: HA HA HA!

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More ''conspiracy ‘’ facts



It must be God who’s a conspiracy nut.

Food shortage is coming.

We’ve been hit by a typhoon last Saturday, and some shelves in supermarkets are still empty.
But it’s only a theory and not truth, right?

(Needless to say, global warming is a hoax and a conspiracy hatched in 1960s by the elite. Greta what’s her name is an accessory, but who cares, because it’s only a theory, right?)

Bullshit! As usual making shit up! I wonder if you actually read your own cited sources? Nothing out of the ordinary and more fear mongering on your part!

Don’t shoot the messenger D_M?? You know as well as the rest of the world that the US has lost the bloody plot. But if it’s any consolation - we have too. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What plot is that? I am just calling out bullshit when I read it!

That’s right - it IS all a lie. Assad has been demonized when all he’s doing is trying to prevent radical Islam from taking over his country. We should be helping, not demonizing him.

‘lost the plot’ is a metaphor for ‘losing all sense of good judgement’.

Which culturally speaking there is some truth to that, but nothing to do what I was responding to !

I don’t buy into the brother of doom club!:rofl:

Of course food shortage is coming.
It’s a matter of time.

Look at Calif now.
How much food can it produce as opposed to 20 or 30 years ago.

And China? Scary thought.