Armageddon Is that the future?

You’re good at making up stories, ain’t you?

I didn’t make anything up.

As I just tweeted (paraphrased) This is ‘the middle east’ where things are not always what they seem to be, so beware of false flags.’

My advice is for you to just poke out, because records show that every war or skirmish we get into always and I mean always ends up worse than it was before we went in.

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You can’t possibly imagine how much we value your input on our national security and intel op’s. :rofl:

Alright then, give an example of one which we didn’t fuck up big time?

You can’t, can ya! :sunglasses:

WWII would be the most obvious followed by Korea.

Well I did mean in recent history rather than ancient history, but never mind.

And you’re good at believing them - especially NASA stories? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Less than 70 years ago is not “ancient”.

The Coalition wiping out ISIS would certainly qualify as well.

The Caliphate today occupies a few square blocks instead of controlling millions of square miles of territory they held just five years ago.

If you’re making an argument for anything it is utter annihilation of the opposing force and everything around it.

Personally I think the Old Testament had it right. Raze them to the ground and kill everyone city by city.

Relatively speaking it’s ancient? And if you think ISIS is wiped out, you’re in for a nasty shock, because IS is in every country on the planet, including yours. They’re just waiting for the right time to get started on us. The trouble is that as they don’t wear uniforms, it kinda makes them invisible, and it isn’t easy to win against an enemy you can’t see. We should have taken them on years ago - about the time that Assad and the Russkies went after them; that would have prevented their migration.

The US was busy bombing the deserts, pretending to attack ISIS.

Russia, on the other hand, bombed the crap out of ISIS and finished the job in a few weeks which the US wasn’t able to do for years.

The Caliphate has been destroyed. They hold no territory and lost their economic engine.

What change in tactics and strategy would you have made if you were in charge. Be specific.

Quit lying, that’s utterly ridiculous.

Watch and learn.

Read and Learn.

I have no view on the tactics or strategy, the timing is the important thing here. Had it not been for Assad and Putin getting stuck in 10 years ago, radical Islam’s global jihad would be well under way right now.

What’s IRT Global? I’ve never heard of it.

What the hell is that even supposed to mean?

Neither Assad nor Putin has had any significant effect on the global Jihad, the US and UK have been the primary actors working to interdict the jihadis globally for three decades.

A global security think tank that tracks terrorist events.

You claim we screwed it up so you must have a better plan. Lay it out for us.