That’s completely ridiculous. It would be impossible to harm the underground reserves.
They could have come from nowhere else.
And?? Are you going to give us any theory you have to lend credibility to that assertion, or not? If not, then I can say without any hesitation that it’s the most pointless post I’ve ever seen in all my years on discussion forums.
Pompeo said without going into great detail they know for a fact they came from Iran. Either they have tracking data to support it or perhaps a crashed drone.
Nobody else in the region would have any reason to launch such an attack either.
Very few countries are operating drones and we know the Iranians have been supporting the Houthis for a decade or more since they first appeared.
Look, the West doesn’t understand the mentality of the region, which is why we keep fucking up there. I mean look how the Afghans have been giving us the run-around for 15 bloody years and they’re still ahead of the game? The only reason the Talibs are petitioning for ‘peace talks’ is because they want some more billions of US dollars, but I’ve digressed at bit.
You keep mentioning ‘we’ in your posts apropos NASA and now the US government, so I have to ask who ‘we’ are??
“We” are anyone paying attention and not feeding off of bullshit conspiracy kooks.
Several articles also state the Saudis recovered whole or in part 25 missiles and drones that were used in the attack so Identifying the source isn’t at all difficult.
The 3 posts rule has just struck again, but I’m finding your obfuscation, purple prose, and ludicrous Dan Dare-esque speculation so irritating that I can’t be bothered to continue this line of discussion.
The only 3 post rule is that you cannot have more than 3 consecutive posts in a row without someone else chiming in.
What I said was perfectly clear to anyone with a basic command of the language. The only obfuscation or side stepping here is on your part.
Well you post so profusely nobody else can ‘chime in’. But as I said - I’m done on this discussion.
There you go, run and hide.
I’ve been waiting for that . . . why did it take you so long to think of it?
I was willing to give you a chance to answer the question but you chose to run and hide instead.
Missiles or whatever that hit the Saudi refinery came from the west. It’s not the direction of Iran.
There may be no proof and I believe that is the case but that won’t stop Israel blaming Iran and sending US troops to die there.
“Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed.”
Note that the president said “We are waiting to hear who they believe was the cause of the attack” [Iran] — as if it would not be our duty to determine that extremely important matter. And, stunningly, we are waiting for foreign direction to “proceed.”
They came from Houthis in Yemen.
Can you provide us the radar tracks?
Which we already know is a lie as we’ve gone over the documented lineage of the Saud Family multiple times.
It would be our duty to work with our ally to derive the source of the attack.
Exactly. Where are the radar tracks originating in Iran or Yemen?
Forgot to mention, the tiny wholes in the tanks are facing west, the direction of Israel. Coincidence?
And the damage was minor.
Could it be a false flag?
Is the Pope Catholic?
You really need to buy a map or a globe.
Africa is west of Saudi Arabia, Israel is to the north.
Not only are your fabrications moronic they aren’t even tangentially supported by any known fact.
The Houthis even admitted to launching the attack.
For Israel to have launched such an attack they would have had to overfly hundreds of miles of hostile territory undetected.
The launch sites were identified to have been in Southern Iran and there’s absolutely no evidence to the contrary anywhere.