Oh this gets better and better every day! Trump the troll lit the fuse for Nancy”s own destruction and the Democratic Party eating their own!
I don’t think Nancy is going anywhere unless there’s an uprising among the Extreme Far Left. Right now I just don’t see them having enough seats even though they seem to largely be dictating the platform.
I’ve never said he said ALL… you made that claim, not me.
I haven’t seen or heard that.
By claiming that 3 US Born and 1 Naturalized citizen should go back to their “countries”. Yay!
Btw why would he assume they were from other countries? What about them made him assume that?
Maybe because the way they look.
Or their funny foreign sounding names?
Thanks. I agree with her point.
I don’t think for a second she defends terrorist. He history doesn’t align with that notion.
Why would that be?
Last I heard Omar’s approval rating was 9%. I’d like to know who approves of a supporter of domestic terrorism.
Probably the way they mouth off like typical third world trash. I understand why the Puerto Rican bitch is mouthing off all the time, but why isn’t Ilhan Omar’s husband beating her into submission with a broom handle when she starts talking all reckless?
Oh yeah… her husband is her brother.
Honk Honk
Third world trash? 3 of the 4 are American born.
Other white liberals and republicans talk trash, but he has never asked them to go back to their “third world trash” country…why?
Inconsequential and only the snow flakes focus on semantics! You are missing the bigger point! People like you played right into his hands by crying that is why his tweets are brilliant! He is essentially laying waste to the Democratic Party and calling out these idiot women as Low IQ!
Right he isn’t racist… he is playing 11th Dimensional chess! Hahahahahahahaha
Being wrong about where they are all from doesn’t make him a racist.
The message is “if you hate America so much then why not leave? “
I don’t understand why the Libby’s and snowflakes can’t figure that out?
Remember the 70’s bupmer sticker, “America-Love it or Leave it”.
Was that racist too?
Ah yes along with “if you can’t feed them, then don’t breed them”! I miss the days of non PC!