AOC Bitch 'Squad' Refers to Trump as 'Occupant' of White House and Calls Him Racist

He,President Trump,has violated nothing. The dems and their leftist socialist women are the ones who should be impeached! And,btw, I loved the President’s tweet and agree 100%. Get em out of DC at a minimum and not deciding laws for our nation. As for the Islamic ones ,personally they do not bong in our Congress and I wish we could ban Islam in America. They are a threat to out freedom@


These womyns have important work ahead of them: Winning the election for Donald Trump. God speed ladies. God speed.


Only if we ban all useless religion…

Yeah,you got that right! Then…hope he cleans house of these terrorists a d traitors to.our Constitution and nation…

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Trump WON , so head to Canada with that fat pig Rosie .

That’s about the long and short of it. I got plenty of friends and family who don’t really pay attention to politics but they absolutely HATE this crew. They didn’t vote in 2016 but they will be voting in 2020. We can thank Reagan for scaring the shit outta everyone about communism…at least the older folks.

I’m not holding my breath for a blowout but if the democrats keep trying to “out leftwing” one another I think his reelection becomes more of a likelihood every day barring some sort of economic disaster.

No they held a press conference to fling a lot of lies and bullshit at the POTUS and he called them on it.

Race has nothing to do with it, “Ungrateful Lying Immigrant” is not a race.

She should be stripped of her citizenship and deported for Immigration fraud. Let Somalia have her.


^^^ Could not agree more with this. …

This picture makes me sick.

Look on the bright side, at least she’s not waiving the flag.

Yes President Trump should declare an emergency for very good reasons and take permanent power

No, that would violate the basic core principles of our founding. No thank you.

So does Trumps rhetoric…

Or are we not a nation of immigrants anymore? I forget what part of history Trump is trying to rewrite this time.

Why? She seems to have a beautiful family. She also made the choice to run for office.

Why isn’t she the type of American citizen you want?

Because she hates this country, committed immigration fraud, and won’t condemn jihadist terrorists. Pretty good reasons to start with.


Hates it so much that she decided to run for office?

Haven’t heard this before. Link?

I haven’t heard this before either. Link?

No it doesn’t, Trump has never even suggested we cut off all immigration or that all immigrants are bad.

Because she committed fraud to get her citizenship and spews hate and lies about the country every day while equating the US to the worst terrorist organizations in history including those attacking us.