The WOP made husbands completely dispensable and made women and their kids completely dependent on the gov’t for their very survival.
Not a bad plan if you’re a democrat I suppose.
The WOP made husbands completely dispensable and made women and their kids completely dependent on the gov’t for their very survival.
Not a bad plan if you’re a democrat I suppose.
No, that is your Trumplation. Trump actually told 4 Americans to go back to their country. For all 4, their country is USA.
Why did he assume they weren’t from here?
Was it targeting 4 minority women, 3 of which are natural born cities and telling them specifically to go back to their country?
Try reading the posts in order. Repeating myself is tedious and unnecessary.
Being a minority woman doesn’t make you immune from criticism. If they can’t take it, time to head back to the kitchen.
Oh I read your quotes…
Why did he assume these minority women were not from this country? What about these ladies made him think they had a country to go back to?
Probably their constant deriding of this country.
They aren’t the only ones “deriding” the country. There are white Democrats that “deride” the country and Trump too. Why weren’t they told to go back to their country?
Why is being critical of the direction of the country “deriding”? Is that what Trump based his entire campaign on? MAGAgain.
They’ve made themselves the most visible and most critical of the country.
More visible than George Conway? Alec Baldwin? Joe Walsh?
Who are those people!? Celebrities you know because you consume as such?
They don’t get this and Trump doesn’t get this either. The bigotry and racism is alarming. Only four republicans had the stones to vote to condemn Trump’s immature school yard insulting language of American legislators.
That’s exactly been my point on this. He completely trashed contemporary America ridiculing every aspect of society and politics. Using the same reasoning that he’s now using on the four ladies he personally insulted, HE SHOULD HAVE JUST LEFT…instead.
Oh - but prominent Dems calling for “resistance in the streets” because they lost an election doesn’t do anything to trash America.
Neither does supporting a violent terror group like Antifa…sure.
If you’re making the point that everybody’s trashing America, I won’t argue with you. Things are more partisan and polarized than ever in my life and it seems everybody is on a scorched earth policy…
Do they represent America by being in Congress?
And I think if the message is expressed to a Congressperson then it is also being expressed to those who support the same agenda.
Trump is right. If you don’t like this country so much that you want to fundamentally change the values and the foundation of it, then you do need to leave.
Why do Americans who are happy with our country have to suck it up because a 20 something year old nitwit thinks its a good idea to take us back to the stone age? If she wants to live in the stone age, she needs to try it in a country whose citizens live like that.
When she grows up because the reality of what she thinks is utopia isn’t so fun anymore, she can come back. Hopefully as someone wiser and more appreciative of just what this country has to offer.
What they seem to forget (every time a Republican is in the WH) that the ONLY person elected to represent all of America is the President of the United States.
The views of 4 freshmen Members of Congress are not representative of America. They don’t represent me in Mississippi. Rep. Palazzo represents me and my community in Congress and he doesn’t go on TV making an ass of himself. He goes to work and does the bidding of the people he represents.
That of course is true and can be said of any four members of Congress at anytime.
These 4 women represent their districts. However the house in total represents the collective. Right now the house is D.
The same would apply to Trump then, right? He ran a campaign tell us he would make America great AGAIN. Which insinuates that he believed America wasn’t great. Why does he get a pass on this?
Also isn’t it the job of anyone running for President to change the fundamentals of the USA in their image? Isn’t that the job of a congressperson? Introduce bills that change certain aspects of the country? If people don’t like the bill they produce or vote on, then they should be voted out.
For the same reason why Americans who hate racism have to put up with a President telling 4 minority US citizen women to “go back to their country” because he assumed, based on their skin or funny foreign names, that they were not originally from here.
The same happens when a Dem is the President too. Or do Republicans in Congress, individually, represent the views of the nation when a Dem is president?