Wtf, look around just on this sight alone nevermind all of social media and conservative news. Trumpers are the biggest group of anti vaxxers……
These doctors have blood on their hands. Karma WILL hit them.
Problem (Create virus and fake plandemic)
Reaction (Create hysteria and fear through MSM)
Solution (Create death jabs which normies gleefully take)
80 - 85% of “vaccines” are basically placebo and that’s why many vaxxed manage to survive and proclaim: Look, I took the vax and I’m fine.
But as these vaxxed survivors take more and more shots, their chances of survival get dimmer and dimmer.
(Needless to say, ALL vaccines contain nasty stuff we still don’t know about).
Alot of them are Dumbasses that believes the government knows whst is best for them , beretting and insulting those that refuse the shot.
You sure are broad brushing there….
I’m vaxxed. I’ve taken all the vaccines I’m going to take. No booster/s for me. The vaccine doesn’t work anyway if I can still get and give the virus. WTF good is it?!
Didge, I guess trump wasted billions of tax payers dollars on creating these vaccines. None of his peeps like em……
Funny, that is exactly what is happening and idiots here can’t and refuse to see it because of their dumb ideology is more important than their life! Oh well, when the fktard liberals start dying off life will get better.
You are one of the lucky ones!
If the vaccines are in fact “Trump vaccines,” how come you took them?
He refuses to answer that question because he is only interested in applying similar logic as this meme suggests.
Trumpers are the biggest group of anti vaxxers and over 90% of daily Covid deaths are unvaxed….
Well then, how come vaxxed athletes are collapsing and vaxxed disco goers dying?
This boy’s parents are criminals.
Who knows what athletes and disco goers politics are….
For feeding him junk food?
Oh the irony here is priceless!
Someone looks pretty stupid now!
All that is a LIE.
Had the LEGAL votes been counted and the ILLEGAL ones tossed, President Elect Trump by now would have had a real VACCINE, complete with FDA approval. Of course, the economy wouldn’t be as ass fucked as it is now, either.