Anti-Vaccine Nutjobs - the Official Karma Thread

I wouldn’t take an aspirin from Dr. Mengele Fauci or believe him if said the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Absolutely no shot for me !!! To many deaths from complications of the shot and it has a link to Myocarditis.
We will have to wait for Dr. Monte Fauci for his " expert " medical opinion.

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Of course not, they never have “evidence” for any claims….

Funny how the Trumpers criticism of the TRUMP (OWS) VACCINE never ends….:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Interesting how leftist anarchists cheer the deaths of thier fellow citizens.

A third of a million Americans have died from COVID -19 on President Joe Biden’s watch, another grim milestone for a commander in chief who pledged to “shut down the virus” and has seen his job …

Are you cheering the nearly 400K people that deed since Biden took office?

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Yucky, a 3rd grader commenting and a 2nd grader responding.

Very limited ppl dying from covid, if you get hit by a car and die a doctors going to put down Covid because they get money. Italy just took 90% of the death by covid and switched it to something else.

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There is Footage of the village idiot with dementia, Bidet, what to see a few or re you competent enough to use the search engine?

And, with the Trumpers hating on Trump’s vaccine, and so many of them refusing science in favor of conspiracy theories, more Trumpers are going to continue to die……
The Biden administration can hardly get a handle on Covid with such belligerence going on….:man_shrugging:

NEW - Germany’s Vaccination Commission (STIKO) now advises against Moderna for people under 30 years of age.

SCIENCE MONTE!!! Science!!!

God so much winning

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Deaths from heart related diseases exceed over 600K a year are not political enough for the leftist anarchists so thy are ignored as are the deaths from auto accidents and cancer.

Perhaps a mandate with fines for fat ass Americans would help reduce the death rates. Maybe a buck a pound per month would bring obesity and over weigh Americans into focus.

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@FiredUpDem 1,678 Americans died of Covid yesterday, well over 90% of them unvaccinated which tend to be Trumpers……

You know blacks aren’t getting the vax right lol

SCIENCE MONTE!! Science!! Lol

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It is well known that Black people in the United States are more likely to die of COVID -19 infection.

Interesting fact.

Are the majority of blacks Trumpers?

Seems you a full of shit as always.

Seems they ask about being vaccinated but not about being a Trumper or party affiliation.

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Because doctors follow FDA and CDC guidance….

A curious leftist rag for facts? Quoting CNN?

Interesting that the CDC nor any government agency tracks political affiliation yet CNN has a poll which is beyond suspect in accuracy.

And of course Trump took the trump vaccine and has encouraged his followers to do so…

AMERICA holds the world’s worst record on Covid-19. To date, 706,000 Americans are dead, 14.8 percent of 4.75 million deaths worldwide, while 333 million Americans comprise only 4.3 percent of the world’s 7.8 billion population. Go figure!

Donald Trump is no longer president. But his incompetence and criminal disdain for American lives make him among the worst American presidents ever. This is his legacy. But Trump is hardly alone in this. He had the American fringe as accomplices; the Trumpers, his fanatical cohorts whose ideological precepts may be labeled as Trumpism — a compendium of conservative social and political beliefs lodged within the right-wing spectrum of the Republican Party never seen before in US presidential politics.

Say trump one more time it will make democrats competent lol


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