Another frozen turd from Iceboy, Maybe it's not frozen

CNN’s epitome of journalism is Jim Acosta.

Fake news journalists have used the tool of fictitious anonymous sources to promote their own opinions and wishful thinking as credible news.

when are you going to stipulate to your sources, crone?

Whew! For a minute there I thought you were just gonna squeal another empty assertion of victimhood, supporting your alligator mouth with nothing but your hummingbird assaratis hole.

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I guess the Jarvanka Recovery Council idea didn’t go over terribly well…so Grifty has pivoted to some kind of telethon thing…

Whatever gave people the idea that this buffoon should wear The Big Hat?

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As we puzzle over this summary rejection of Grifty’s A-Team of Lapdogs, Bootspittles and Congenital Rejects, consider the nature of the conversation Grifty is likely to have with a community to which he never belonged and which he has gone to such lengths to alienate?

I’m thinking he’s gonna hear “AMFYOYO” a lot.

So he could put his name on the memo line…

But, as you sit there by your mailbox, just tell yourself

“He’s not taking a salary!”

The cost of Trump’s maneuver includes the destruction of useful norms, which may never be put back together again, and the possible delay occasioned by getting the president’s name on the checks. Although in public, officials say there will be no lag, the Washington Post reported that in private, multiple sources say the work, which must be done by employees working form home due to the pandemic, will add time to the disbursement schedule.


TheHill: Trump threatens to adjourn both chambers of Congress.

What a crock! Providing a platform for free speech is what allows assholes like you and your butt-buddies to participate. There is no strict ideological consistency here. The rules are few and more often than not, they are not enforced. They’re actually guidelines.

Hopefully, as your bitch has already hinted, your former haunt will soon be reopened and you can go back there and be with your parrots.


You fail in reading comprehension. My claim was that I need no evidence to support condemnation. Nobody does.

Go back to your safe space, Little Ricky.

Maybe some day you and Little Cowboy will learn how to debate using logic and verifiable facts rather than your childish quips and demands to be spoon fed.

Cute little buggers aren’t they? :rofl:


Also, Patriot - though occasionally overprotective - doesn’t appear eager to bounce for the sake of maintaining strict ideological consistency.

Describe what you see…

for which of your assertions HAVE you argued using logic and verifiable facts?

right on cue, here’s Justice Learned Cornholio with a meme.

Of course not. You belong to a cult where facts and truth are defined by the most prolific liar in presidential history. You no longer possess the honor, integrity, or intelligence to require evidence before condemnation. You get your brain washed in a thimble.

OTOH, it was fun to watch you squeal in one breath that you have a right to react purely on emotion or to think what you are told to think, and then follow that up with the obliviously self-mocking assertion that others don’t debate using facts and logic, while hoping your sad efforts to pose manly man would compensate for the neon hypocrisy of your snivel.

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Today, the United States is beset with a president who was unprepared for the burden of the presidency and who has made plain his deficits in leadership, management, intelligence and morality.

When we founded the Lincoln Project, we did so with a clear mission: to defeat President Trump in November. Publicly supporting a Democratic nominee for president is a first for all of us. We are in extraordinary times, and we have chosen to put country over party — and former vice president Joe Biden is the candidate who we believe will do the same…

Unlike Trump, Biden is not an international embarrassment, nor does he demonstrate malignant narcissism. A President Biden will steady the ship of state and begin binding up the wounds of a fractured country. We have faith that Biden will surround himself by advisers of competence, expertise and wisdom, not an endless parade of disposable lackeys…

The coronavirus crisis is a terrifying example of why real leadership looks outward. This crisis, the deaths and economic destruction are immeasurably worse because Trump and his administration were unwilling to do what was necessary to mitigate its worst effects and bring the country back as quickly as possible…

We’ve seen the damage three years of corruption and cultish amateurism can do. This country cannot afford to be torn apart for sport and profit for another term, as Trump will surely do. If Biden takes office next January, he won’t need on-the-job training.

The Washington Post: We’ve never backed a Democrat for president. But Trump must be defeated…

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump inaccurately declared at Thursday’s White House coronavirus briefing that some states do not have “any problem” with the virus’s outbreak, minimizing the situation even in the least-affected states.

Trump also repeated his incorrect suggestion that he has the power to decide when governors lift their pandemic-related restrictions. And he argued that “people should have told us” about the virus, omitting the fact that he continued to downplay the virus for weeks after public warnings.

Good G*d the man is stupid!

In a series of tweets Friday afternoon, the president issued an online call to “LIBERATE” Minnesota, Michigan and Virginia — all states where aggrieved residents have gathered in public this week to demonstrate in opposition to stay-at-home orders declared by Democratic governors.


Why are people THIS FUCKING STUPID allowed to breathe?

Favored “news” sources.

CNN - Because slapping a female WH aide so you can hold on to the microphone to continue berating the POTUS is true journalism.

WaPo - Because it’s essential to know and follow the will of Amazon leader and richest man Jeff Bezos

NYT - Because of their long history of covering up for brutal dictators like Walter Duranty did for Stalin’s Ukrainian holocaust to hiring John Podesta stooge Glenn Thrush as senior WH correspondent.

I use an adaptation of the two tribes village location logic problem to evaluate the content produced by these sources. Since rarely if ever do they report anything outside their Resistance driven agenda, there is no need to ask what the other tribe would say, it’s a safe bet to just go with the opposite of their so-called reporting. :wink:

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Days to come up with that witless dodge?

For what - to spare yourself the shame of laboring the humiliating truth?

After Paris was liberated, the French rounded up the little trollops who had consorted with the Nazis, and shaved their heads…