Another frozen turd from Iceboy, Maybe it's not frozen

It came from your link to CNN, doofus. Read you own linked article.

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We’re well past that, child…

Are you taking a stand on the use of such sources?

Please list your 3 primary sources of information.

I see it went right over your pinhead.

Anything at all can be given false credence by the mention of anonymous sources. No sources of information need be presented.

Must I ask again?

Are you condemning the use of anonymous sources?

Please list your 3 primary sources of information.

And, this is why I won’t be back here. The cultists here are impervious to facts. Their arguments are that educated people are biased against dumbasses, interrupting feeble insults to snivel about insults, and a foot-stamping insistence that truth is defined by the declarations of the biggest liar in presidential history. The only thing worse is watching the sissy Manny fellate himself with posings of prowess, even as he begs others to join him by going into hiding, when he isn’t running to mommy mod after getting his weak ass spanked. As bad as the other place was, this site is simply a refuge for the dumbest Deplorables in Rightardia.

You may ask all you want.

You still don’t get the picture.

I need no sources of information to condemn anything whatsoever. I can do it as a matter of opinion, a matter of fact, a matter of reliance on anonymous sources, a matter of choice, … ad infinitum.

Scoffing at something does not imply condemnation.

I don’t need to reveal my sources anymore that CNN needs to reveal theirs.

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A harsh, but fair assessment…

As a seasoned sniper, you know that coddled herds - in the absence of predators - grow fat, slow and complacent…

A wise forum operator understands that such herds must occasionally be exposed to the harsh Realities of Nature, but not to the point of decimation, just to put a bit of bounce in the ruminants’ step.

Yes, the roster here ranges from roadkill to naffy, with a touch of Dwarf and EIH Smith…but it’s nothing you haven’t had to overcome before…

Also, Patriot - though occasionally overprotective - doesn’t appear eager to bounce for the sake of maintaining strict ideological consistency.

As a timely example of my point, I give you Assy and his proud insistence above that he doesn’t need any proof or even evidence to support his emotionally overwrought belief system. Faith in the flabby messiah is all that is required for access to moron heaven.

It’s about Consistency…

But then, you surely abandoned all pretense of that when you bought those new sneakers and signed up for the Cult.

But I like the way he persist well past the point where he’s been spatchcocked…a twist on the usual evidence of Intelligent Design.

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Fair points. I will give it further thought. Messages indicate the other place will reopen soon, though, and as bad as it was, there were occasional sightings of intelligence there. Such could be sustaining. This place is a wasteland populated only by cretins, cowards, and crybabies.

Both of your are hypocrites in this case. (What a surprise! :rofl:)

You justify CNN’s use of anonymous sources in supporting their claims in the OP.

If you believe what CNN claimed based upon conformation from 2 anonymous sources, you must by the same logic believe what I claimed based upon similar undisclosed sources.

If you disbelieve what I claimed, you have no grounds to attach credence to what CNN said, other than your own opinion.

You two should get a room…and some lubricants.

Before we scurry down that rabbit hole, can you cite an instance where you were disbelieved for relying on anonymous sources?

If it never happened, we don’t have a problem, right?

Post #116 above.

Talk about the title of this OP piece “Well, That’s Reassuring”.

Fox News on Tuesday reached out to the offices of 16 of the women who have been speculated about as possible Democratic vice presidential nominees, including Sens. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., and Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., as well as Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla., former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and several others. None responded as of Wednesday morning.

How “that’s assuring” these Democrat women are since they are covering for “Sleepy Joe” and his “alleged” Sex scandal.

But these same women have no problem when it comes to attacking Trump.

They really want that VP gig that bad enough, eh?

Is GT some kind of finishing school for morons?

Sorry, simp, but CNN has trained and experienced journalists who use anonymous sources, because that is often the only way truth can come out. Many would be too fearful of losing jobs or worse to speak up otherwise. Editors there know that their survival depends on them being a reliable source of truth. You, OTOH, are just a poorly educated, easily suckered cultist who swallows and regurgitates whatever enhances your desperate need to be a victim. You graze for such sustenance at places like the Faux Gnus state media, undeterred by repeated proof of how you are being suckered.

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What are they getting from Mike Pence about the TWENTY FIVE women accusing the First Groper?

Because nothing establishes your credibility like squeaking the moldiest homo “wit” in cyber-space?

If you were to try the knob, you would find not only is your closet door not locked, Queenie, you would likely enjoy giving free reign to the homosexuality that is always on the tips of Deplorable tongues, as it were.

It’s even sadder than the oblivious dumbassery of Itchi’s dumbass belaboring of a weak allegation of sexual assault on behalf of the boastful serial assaulter he fluffs.

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