Another frozen turd from Iceboy, Maybe it's not frozen

Of course I’ve meant professors. What kind of stupid question is that? I see what you are implying and that false sense of elitism doesn’t surprise me since you are a Democrat.

Obama was POTUS and he was certainly one of the worse. Whomever put him in 8th is a “Obama Leftover”.

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who says they are left wing communists coming to drain your vital bodily fluids?

Now tell me who disagrees with APSA, and let’s see how informed their opinions are.

Bubble boy? Juvenile nicknames betray an inability to do anything beyond recite Orange man bad talking points.

As was noted earlier the President laid out the process of gathering expert information then making the final decision himself as a good President ought to do. The President is elected to make these kind of tough calls especially in a crisis like this one. There is no deferring responsibility to experts.

No matter what President Trump decides the Resistance will bray that it was wrong. But it’s a measure of their blind hatred they condemn the reasonable process of gathering information before making it.

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he was inaugurated in January, 2009…

You’re a fucking idiot.

Bush was no better either.

But you voted for him, right?

Now go back to the question…

please stop…

I cited specific examples…

If you can argue the point, proceed…

But I know why Bubble Boy fits, even if you don’t.

The insanity of academia has been well documented and if you just want to keep your head in the sand then by all means go right ahead, but don’t expect any of us to believe the utter crap you are spewing.


Whoopie! Being a member of some group makes someone an expert? :rofl:

The truth is that most of these ostentatious groups are nothing more than a collection of like minded assholes that consider themselves experts simply because they think alike and formed a club.

The logical fallacy is appealing to the wisdom of the crowd.

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By whom is the question…repeating the assertion doesn’t answer it…

And repeating that your “experts” said something doesn’t make it so.

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The truth is that most of these ostentatious groups are nothing more than a collection of like minded assholes that consider themselves experts simply because they think alike and formed a club.

No…that’s just you talking complete

They aren’t “the crowd”…

So bring the counter argument…

Your opinion of their credentials is the least relevant element of the issue…

The counter argument that academia is totally biased? Why don’t you research the inherent bias yourself before posting something as authoritative? I’m not here to do your googling for you. You also made the assertion, so it’s on you to back it up. If you can’t then you are obviously out on your ass…which is obvious to anyone who reads your comments.

He is not an elite, he is just some paid operative living out his fantasy on cyberspace. Just another arrogant POS Patriots fan from the great commie state of Massachusetts.

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Well that makes a lot of sense. He’s probably living off the dole and getting paid pennies every time he posts lol


Yeah don’t feed the asshat troll here. Put him on ignore as you can see he can’t debate out of a paper bag if his life depended on it!

No…I posted the information…you offered an entirely unsubstantiated generalization…

I’m asking you to provide evidence that this opinion is shared by anyone outside your local tweaker circle…

Because you don’t have any, you make it my job…

Typical yahoo parasite.

I live in NH…

You’re a fucking moron.