Anne Frank's diary: hoax

The danger comes from the neo nazis as you people prove time and again.

What fallacy is that? The German treatment of the Dutch is among the most well documented atrocities of the last century.

Check the guy in your mirror. Knee jerk reactions are all he has to offer since no facts support any of his claims.

I think he was talking about the criminal behavior of Otto Frank who essentially faked the entire diary and profited off his daughter’s death while he chilled out in a hospital.

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When you guys post a “credible link”, the source is just another asshole anti-Semite.

So you want to live by Old Testament Law? Might want to reconsider, you wouldn’t do well under it.

Which as the forensic investigation done on the diary proved never happened.

You’re misinformed. Most don’t know what the three branches of government are. Do you really think most know who Anne Frank is? :joy:


Do you want to provide a source for the authoritative research and conclusion that you speak of?

It’s already posted above from the Op’s own cited article which I copied and pasted.

I find the work that @skull put together to be more contemporary, authoritative, and relevant.

Of course you do, facts be damned you want to believe a lie.

Read the original article in which the entire claim is destroyed. When the lawsuit was filed as part of the discovery the forensic experts went through it with a fine toothed comb and proved the diary was not forged.

This is the problem with you people, you would rater believe a lie because it feeds your hate than accept the truth.


The claim of its being written in ballpoint pen is also a lie.

Anti-Semitics rely on lies as a matter of course.

Of course, that was the first thing proven during the investigation. The translator made notes and corrections in BP, that’s it.

Hmm…so the Times of Israel and the Daily Mail are no longer considered reliable sources…:ok_hand:

Neither can refute the evidence showing it wasn’t a hoax.


Despite decades of research NO
CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE that a major part of her “story” actually happened.

Source? The Anne Frank House! lol

what makes you think this???

Are you not fluent in English?

“No conclusive evidence” does not mean it didn’t happen, it simply means you can’t prove that it did conclusively.

The same kind of paranoid schizophrenia that feeds their hatred of ■■■■ and belief in the most ridiculous conspiracy theories.