Anarcho Capitalism

LOL- even a small part. Open rebellion in the US would be doomed from the start- unless the vast majority of the populace embraced it- including the vast majority of the military. Life is far too good here in the US- even if you’re poor- to have revolution.

Bernie spoke of revolution-that was the end of his chance at the oval. Those who have lived through history know how horrible an idea it is to ‘tip the apple cart just to see which way the apples go a rolling’.

I do fear that Generation Z may be too spoiled and indoctrinated with entitlement to see through the false promise of socialism/communism.

Let me know why you think we would be facing the entire military. Do you think they’re going to blindly follow orders and kill American citizens? At worst, it would be a 50/50 split in my opinion. Even IF the entire Army turns their weapons on America, let us know how they’ll fare against 100,000,000 armed Americans. Hell, they can’t play police against 50,000 Taliban members. . . no organized Army can, unless they go slingblade and kill anyone even remotely connected with them. . .

I think you might be dreaming silly ideas.
A Narco dream

Thanks man. My account only 12 messages 12 hours, recently started but want to become a long time member already.

Anarcho Capitalism isnt silly, but an inevitability, Hegelian Dialectics. Republicans and Democrats, two sides of the same coin. The coin will eventually stop and the war breaks out, the war bloodied, and filled with bodies but in my opinion a worthy outcome, Libertarianism, the best parts of both sides of the coin and the outcome leads to Anarcho Capitalism, the logical conclusion of Libertarianism.

I am not a politician, I am not a bandit, a leech suckling down an innocents blood to sustain myself, but I am a student of history with a great professor, Hegel. Hegelian Dialectics, when the 2 sides of the coin fight, the coin finds balance, the best parts of the coin creates Libertarianism, the wave and once the wave crashes its Anarcho Capitalism.

TexasHunker had a good reply to the military thing. No, my ideological colleagues are shot ( Duncan Lemp ), Harassed by Antifa ( Antifa hates Libertarians ), and when even a moderate Libertarian is beaten by his neighbor ( Rand Paul ), CongressWoman Ilhan Omar said he deserved it along with Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter ( we all know where she got those ideas and her mother probably agrees ), people are saying if theyre neighbors are Libertarian they should get beaten. Its only good as long as you arent a Libertarian, you get Shot, Harassed, Mocked and lose most of youre friends even when youre a moderate. When youre a Radical, youre treated as you have 10 IQ points, threatened to be jailed by the far right, threaten to get beaten by the far left and constant indoctrination attempts like Kaitlin Bennett, Stefan Molyneux etc ( I dont like them ). Revolution is possible after the dusts of war settle, the coin is finding balance, once the Democrats and Republicans destroy eachother us Libertarians create a worthy society, a moral society and a society proud to be under.

Extremist Libertarianism has no appeal. No one wants to be at the mercy of predatory capitalism anymore then being a commie stooge. Anarcho Capitalism, it’s an ill named idealism. Anarcho Capitalism is a waste of thought. Seems like I talked to you on another forum.

Find the middle path.

Throwing out a label, is just a turn off. Hegel has little to do with anything today. It’s a head trip.

Predatory means an uneven playing field or modern day Capitalism, Corporatism as I call it etc. In Anarcho Capitalism an even playing field solely based on Free Trade, not state handouts or protections. You realize Libertarians are the most demonized on this planet, not youre republican and Democrat statists, that fuel Anarcho Capitalism Inevitability. Duncan Lemp, People supporting the harassment of Rand Paul a Libertarian Moderate, etc. Tell me why it has no appeal, no state, a voluntary and well armed society, is it because its not popular, which can be explained by statist demonization of Heralds of our ideas like Ron Paul, Ayn Rand, etc.

Also, no this id the first Political forum I have been on.

Sorry, is. Hegelian Dialectics, has been proven time and time again to be correct, shall I list the many examples.

Hegelian dialectic always works (as long as there are dummies)

Ok, half of these dont make any sense. How do city lives and Guilds create Entreprenuers and Entreprenuers and the Proletariat create a classless, Communist Society. It would be more like city lives and guilds create a Republic like we have today and a Proletariat and Entreprenuership would mean more Workers Protections.

Neither does Marx’ work.
I never read his das Kapital.
Marx used the concept of Hegel, but with a twist.

Ive read Marx before, hes completely illiterate in economics and now I learned in history.

If you ask me, Marx was insane.

He wasnt insane, just a privileged rich kid that needed Daddies Money to survive and thought that everyone should be his daddy ( he was esssentially the modern equivalent to a spoiled white girl who got a mercedes over a BMW ). People think I am privileged because I support Capitalism ( Actual Free Market Laissez Faire Capitalism, not Corporatist Garbage like Modern Economics ). But I actually grew up poor and my parents raised they’re workforce skills to provide for me. I am now trying to get that work ethic at an earlier age.

Simply stated, A person who believes in the dissolution of government, but adheres to property rights.

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I would agree on this definition.

Democrats and the GOP are fighting each other for the same reason, POWER the control of the nation. Neither care about the people both are the ruling elite.