Anarcho Capitalism

Yes. Thats a fault with Conservatives, they don’t realize theyre also a duck in the pond. I am just a very aggressive duck fighting for my rights, but somehow I am a MethHead and Immature when all I am is not blind in one eye. See the problem with american politics is that they think that eagle is on theyre side. But it isnt, the Eagle is on the states side.

It’s a problem with all partisans…:man_shrugging:

Yes, everyone thinks theyre gonna be saved at the end of the day by a hand in the sky. The hand either strangles you, lifts you up to ruin youre life later, or take money from youre pocket.

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Looks like your ANCAP society is coming to life as we speak in Minneapolis.

Riots are violations of the NAP you know and why riot in a place with security, freedom and family? It isnt Ancapistan but the start of it.

Apparently, you either did not notice or do not comprehend that I placed my belief in a large military in a separate paragraph after stating that I do not claim any party but lean toward being a Libertarian. I did not claim that a diminished military is a Libertarian tenet. It may be or not. I believe in a kick-ass military whether or not the Libertarians do.

I believe my position on that is no different from your previous statement as described directly below:

And now back to the topic at hand:

Your claim of knowledge that I am not a white nationalist or racist cannot logically have come from my never having given you inclination to believe such. Think about that.

Anarchy is stupid at any level. Even at the family level, someone needs to govern the behavior of the members thereof, especially of unruly, uneducated, children who enjoy doing as the please regardless of its correctness or acceptability.

All presumptions on your part. You have no proof that cartels would be destroyed. You have no justification to say that crime would be opposed at all. According to the true definition of anarchy, there is no crime because there is no government to define such. Anarchy is the absence of law and order.

I brought it up because you expressed it and I disagree with it. That’s essentially what debate is all about. I did not insult your ideology. I may have insulted you or hurt your wittle feewings, but that is simply tough fuckin’ shit. Get over it!

Anarchy sucks!

Capitalism and liberty protected under limited government by a democratic republic within its own borders ROCKS!

  1. Fair. 2. No, you gave me no reason to believe you where a white nationalist, never said a racial slur, doesnt think “Them” control the government like I have seen in some interesting threads before, there is a type and from what I examine from you. You dont fit the profile. 3. You realize Anarchy isnt just Chaos, its a society without a government, there can still be a man of the house and should, Right wing Anarchist society is dependent on that. Read Hans Herman Hoppe. 4. Why would there be Cartels since anyone can get theyre hands on Cocaine without worrying about law enforcement, most “criminals” are there for buying or selling drugs, I believe 84%. Also why would someone mug me if I have a missile launcher strapped to my back? 5. You didnt hurt my feelings at all, I dont care, I was curious about youre disdain of Anarchism. I have a question, examine history in a government society, doesnt it always exert more power through the years like in America, and show small government is destined to be bloated?

I must say, I’ve talked to many anarchists over the years and they all had a ridiculous “wouldn’t it be nice” kind of dream of a utopia that will never exist, but yours is unique. Utopia with missile launchers on every back.

Back in the 1980’s there were lots of cheesy movies about a wasteland in the future after a nuclear apocalypse. You should binge-watch that stuff, it will warm your heart. The Road Warrior was the best one.

I am a massive fallout fan. Utopia is Dystopia, I am just talking about a realistic Anarcho Capitalist society. Also the only reason it got nuked was because of the government, the only reason they fight is for resources, not just aggression.

Hey @DirtyHegel,

I can sum this entire thread up in one word, recently coined by me:


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Wow, you really proved me wrong and I have to rethink every political idea I have. You have 500 iq points and I have a small brain that cant comprehend the letter A. Tell me why I am, I will find it amusing I assume.

I think that’s sarcasm. You clearly have a high enough opinion of yourself that you think you’re qualified to call Trump an idiot.

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I am an American Citizen arent I, more than qualified too, I am also not some braindead liberal whos mad my candidate didnt get in. I believe he is an idiot cause hes a puppet of the Oligarch. The illuminati or Freemasons arent threats. Theyre is a deepstate, someone behind the bookcases. News, Politicians, Mercantilists, etc. All Puppeteers to the offices strings.

Yeah? What are your qualifications? Opinions aside, because everybody has those right?

I’m in agreement.

Who are the real masters then?
Banksters. That’s my answer.

You don’t use banks? You don’t use currency to pay your bills?

That last blurb didn’t exhibit a native’s command of the language, but then even college graduates these days sometimes lack that

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Im a citizen, thats all I need now dont I?

You said “you are qualified too“ meaning you were implying you have added credentials to boot, so was just curious what those were.

I have some ideas. Party Leaders are up there, Mercantilists Lockheed Martin maybe, Some Bankers, Mercantilist Jeff Bezos definitely, CIA directors, FBI directors, etc.

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