An intereresting documentary on the History of Palestinian People

More completely discredited Anti Semitic garbage that is totally refuted by both history and science.

Either you’re lying about not hating ■■■■■ or you are completely insane.

Would you prefer napalm or bullets over tear gas?

Stop lying…

You have been drinking poisoned water (sodium fluoride) too long.

Once again you have no idea what you’re talking about. I was raised on well water and still get our water from my own private well which is tested and certified pure. No chlorine, no flourine.

It’s not my fault that you don’t want to accept reality after being completely refuted… after all ■■■■ don’t have the mental capacity to deal with facts and truth. You call me a Nazi, that’s hilarious since I’m not the slightest bit racist, I love all races. ■■■■ on the other hand are a criminal supremacist banking mafia of lies and deceit who are also Nazis on steroids. ■■■■ are the most racist people who think they are “chosen” above everyone else. I should know since I grew up with them and have first hand experience.

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So … they hurt you.

Nah, I hurt them after seeing how they treat everyone else. Why don’t you admit your real identity rabbi?

This explains alot.

But as far as my identity…
Ok… I’m tired of hiding.
I’m the one with the beard.

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Hilarious. You have yet to cite an actual verifiable fact of any kind much less a refutation of any of the facts presented.

Now if ■■■■ lack the IQ to compete with the rest of the world please explain to us how it is they have succeeded wildly in every endeavor and dominated in the fields of science and mathematics for centuries and continue to do so today.

Today’s Judaism is referred to as rabbinical Judaism.
It’s an extension of the Pharisee (in the days of Jesus) and any rabbi will tell you that.

And? What is your point? It’s been that way for two thousand years.

More hasbara talking points. Your fake narrative of history and genetics was entirely refuted but the problem is that your ■■■■■■ brain can’t process facts and reality since it’s counter to your false ■■■■■■ mythologies which you take as absolute truth by default.

I never said that ■■■■ lack IQ but ■■■■ have not “succeeded” in the normal sense. There is nothing special about ■■■■ other than the fact that their “tribal leaders” are a centuries-old criminal banking mafia which extorts all not ■■■■ through the international banking system based on usury then uses the infinite power and influence from their wealth to put their own “tribe” into high positions throughout gentile nations, bribing gentiles to get away with their immoral agendas, investing that money in their own commonwealth, and giving themselves awards and credit for things they don’t deserve.

In fact ■■■■■■ “success” depends on evil , blackmailing, and bribing immoral people in an effort to mold the world to fit in with their false mythologies and satanic prophesies. ■■■■ thrive when evil and immorality are prevalent in the world, they are intrinsically tied. Since today’s world is increasingly full of immorality, materialism, and overall evil, ■■■■ seem to be getting away with their perpetual crimes easier than ever before.

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You’re making up pure bullshit. You haven’t and can’t refute any point I made with any verifiable fact from any accepted source.

You were entirely refuted, deal with it shlomo. Even common sense refutes your BS false ■■■■■■ mythologies, let alone the historical and genetic proof.
The only problem is that ■■■■ can’t accept reality because they live in a world of mythological lies.

You haven yet to provide any facts or links to supporting evidence to support the BS you are spewing.

If you ever do it will be for the first time and I’ll bury you in facts from actual recognized and respected sources.

You can keep going in this cycle of denial or you can just accept reality rabbi.

Why so angry at ■■■■■
Maybe you are ■■■■■■■
Did your mohel have shakey hands?

When did you first start hating ■■■■■

You could try documenting and supporting your arguments with facts from credible sources but then we both know how that will end.

Stop derailing the thread.

Irony, classic Freud! I love it.