An intereresting documentary on the History of Palestinian People

■■■■ are over-represented.
They are good at manipulation.
Look at the US Supreme Court, and all the media corporations and outlets, esp CNN.

The silent majority (Nixon said that?) are not silent anymore, thanks to the Internet.
That’s why ■■■■ are desperate.

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Desperate hell and they get those positions because they excel in the field just like they do in every professional field.

I get it, you can’t accept that your people have been failing for 5000 years on their own merits while ■■■■ continue to excel no matter what is thrown at them.

No. Today’s ■■■■ (Khazars who practice Talmudism) are an entirely different breed.
Ancient and thus authentic Israelites were forced to change their name and religion. They are Palestinians of today.

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Which again we know to be a lie just as you have been shown so quit peddling it, it’s pure BS.

More than thirty authors, over fifty studies prove this is nothing more than an oft repeated lie to defame ■■■■ and cast doubt on their ancestral claim to Israel.

It’s all BS and you know it.

If not for your blind hatred why do you reject sound science and keep repeating the lie when you know better?

I posted this before.

Samaritans descended from ancient Israel.
Ephraim, mostly.

The rest of the Israelite tribes were force-converted to Islam later.

Khazar ■■■■ are as fake as a three dollar bill

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We know both to be a lie, proven every way it can be proven by sound, peer reviewed science.

So again, if not for your hatred and intent to defame them why do you keep repeating the same lie over and over?

When you have dozens and dozens of well done, peer reviewed genetic studies all giving the same confirmatory relationship result there is no denying it other than by those with a clear agenda to defame ■■■■ and to cast doubt on their proven ancestral claims to Israel.

You cannot refute the affirmative evidence period.

What lie?
Palestinians descended from ancient Israel.
The may have lost their language and religion, but the land is theirs.

(Hebrew became extinct, taken over by Greek and Aramaic. During the life of Jesus, Israelites spoke Greek and Aramaic, which was the language of the elite and educated.
Jesus was a Greek speaker, though he knew Aramaic.
Centuries later, these two language were taken over by Arabic, a language of the Arabian peninsula.)

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Do you dream up all of these fabrications on your own? There’s certainly no factual or historical basis for your lies.

Jesus spoke Aramaic, Hebrew, and there’s some indication he spoke Greek as well.

Hebrew has never been a “dead language” but the ■■■■ learned the languages of the lands they ended up in during the Diasporas so they could function in society.

Arabic arose from the proto Semitic languages, primarily Aramaic and Hebrew but also with African and Asiatic influences.

Roots of the Arabic Language

As I mentioned above, Arabic is descended from a language known in the literature as Proto-Semitic. This relationship places Arabic firmly in the Afro-Asiatic group of world languages. Merrit Ruhlenís taxonomy in his Guide to the Worldís Languages helps to further elucidate Arabicís ancestry within this large group of languages. Specifically, Arabic is part of the Semitic subgroup of Afro-Asiatic languages (293). Going further into the relationship between Arabic and the other Semitic languages, Modern Arabic is considered to be part of the Arabo-Canaanite sub-branch the central group of the Western Semitic languages (323). Thus, to review, while Arabic is not the oldest of the Semitic languages, its roots are clearly founded in a Semitic predecessor.

Arabic as a Proto-Semitic language

As mentioned above, Arabic is a member of the Semitic subgroup of the Afro-Asiatic group of languages. The common ancestor for all Semitic languages (i.e. Hebrew or Amharic) in the Afro-Asiatic group of languages is called Proto-Semitic. Based upon reconstruction efforts, linguists have determined many of the phonological, morphological, and syntactic features of Proto-Semitic. As might be expected, not all Semitic languages have equally preserved the features of their common ancestor language. In this respect, Arabic is unique; it has preserved a large majority of the original Proto-Semitic features. In fact, many linguists consider Arabic the most ëSemiticí of any modern Semitic languages in terms of how completely they preserve features of Proto-Semitic (Mukhopadhyaya 3-4).

Either you’re simply lying as usual or you just have no idea at all what you’re talking about and are blindly spewing garbage.

Hebrew is one of the most ancient of all known languages and it spread with the spread of Israel and as ■■■■ then spread throughout the known world.

History of the Hebrew Language

Hebrew is an ancient Semitic language. The earliest Hebrew texts date from the second millennium B.C.E. and evidence suggests that the Israelite tribes who invaded Canaan spoke Hebrew. The language was likely a commonly spoken until the fall of Jerusalem in 587 B.C.E.

Once ■■■■ were exiled Hebrew began to disappear as a spoken language, though it was still preserved as a written language for ■■■■■■ prayers and holy texts. During the Second Temple Period, Hebrew was most likely used only for liturgical purposes. Parts of the Hebrew Bible are written in Hebrew as is the Mishnah, which is Judaism’s written record of the Oral Torah.

Since Hebrew was primarily used for sacred texts prior to its revival as a spoken language, it was often called “lashon ha-kodesh,” which means “the holy language” in Hebrew. Some believed that Hebrew was the language of the angels, while the ancient rabbis maintained that Hebrew was the language originally spoken by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. ■■■■■■ folklore says that all of humanity spoke Hebrew until the Tower of Babel when God created all the languages of the world in response to humanity’s attempt to build a tower that would reach the heavens.

Of course Arabic has Hebrew roots because there were no Arabs prior to the conflict that divided the house of Abraham which the Arabs have yet to get over.

Those original Arabs were then conquered by and forced to die or submit to the Islamic faith a thousand years ago.

The ■■■■ of Judea never disappeared and as you’ve already been shown repeated, the genetics prove their lineage right back to the very same roots claimed in The Bible.

You haven’t got a factual basis for even one of your claims beyond ■■■■ and Arabs sharing common Abrahamic ancestry.

If you say “■■■■■ you have to specify.
I’m guilty of this myself, but it’s too much trouble to say “Khazar ■■■■ each time.
They are no Semites. Period.

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Which again as you have been repeatedly shown is a lie as proven through the DNA.

Quit lying, it just makes you look hateful, desperate, and completely nuts since the facts are there for all to see.

Both through Archaeological evidence and DNA testing, again over 30 genetic studies prove your claim to be not just a lie but a damnable lie.

You know your claim is a lie, we know your claim is a lie and the evidence showing it is a lie is overwhelming.

The question then is why do you keep lying?

They deal with facts three ways, ignore them, deny them, or just pretend to be unaware of them and keep repeating the same lies as Adolph and his Arab partners.

Nothing ever seems to change, Blind Hatred is an incurable disease.

Ha, if Palestinians didn’t descend from Israelites, where on earth did they come from? From Heaven? Maybe so.

Ashkenazi ■■■■ are Khazars. Forget fake genetic studies.

You really don’t read too well and cant’ accpt facts because they refute everything you believe about ■■■■■

There’s zero evidence to support your spurious claim about the Ashkenazi and overwhelming historical and genetic proof to the contrary.

Why do you keep lying?

The real reason for the Khazar conversion is different, but I post Icke here for now.

More completely discredited BS and lies.

Why are you so afraid of he truth? Is accepting it going to cost you something?

I pity you.
You really need help.

I repeat…

Goats? …

Keep spewing your ■■■■■■ mythologies and lies, it’s futile. By the way, I never said modern-day ■■■■ were necessarily Khazars, they just don’t come from Palestine. ■■■■ can only lie because their whole identity is based on a big fat lie. By the way, modern-day spoken Hebrew is nothing like the original Semitic Hebrew. Modern-day spoken Hebrew originates from Iran and has a Farsi accent because the first Ashkenazis were basically Iranian converts. Even some Hebrew letters are completely mispronounced in modern-day Hebrew because the fake ■■■■ never knew how those letters were originally intended to be pronounced.

Also, you need to get off your high horse, “■■■■■ are only “successful” because they are a criminal mafia who extort the rest of the world through the international banking system based on usury. Infinite wealth leads to infinite power and influence. Throughout history “■■■■■ have been plagiarizing, taking credit for things they don’t deserve, and setting other people and nations back so that they can put themselves ahead of everyone else. “■■■■■ believe that they are supposed to be the “light unto all nations”.

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