If you had read your own cited article you’d know that it cofirms everything I’ve stated on the subject and that your attempts to discredit the claims of Ashkenazi ■■■■ to Israel as their homeland is a damnable lie.
I’m sure you think you’re making a point with this but you’re just making a fool of yourself again.
We know that Israelites went to Africa as Solomon’s Kingdom extended well into Africa. We also know from genetic studies that this is confirmed through Y Chromosomal DNA that shows their ■■■■■■ Ancestors originated in The Levant.
The Lemba are a southern African Bantu-speaking population claiming ■■■■■■ ancestry. Allele frequencies at four different Y-specific polymorphic loci, as well as extended-haplotype frequencies that included data from several loci, were analyzed in an attempt to establish the genetic affinities and origins of the Lemba. The results suggest that > or = 50% of the Lemba Y chromosomes are Semitic in origin, approximately 40% are Negroid, and the ancestry of the remainder cannot be resolved. These Y-specific genetic findings are consistent with Lemba oral tradition, and analysis of the history of ■■■■■■ people and their association with Africa indicates that the historical facts are not incompatible with theories concerning the origin of the Lemba.
I had the pleasure of getting to spend some time with some of them in S. Africa in 2015. Interesting people.
Haha, now you’re saying “legitimate” ■■■■ are black.
■■■■ are white.
■■■■ are black.
■■■■ are whatever…
Make up your mind.
No, I’m saying you are a moron that sees only skin color and refuses to accept facets.
It’s very simple, if you have a very small Semetic population that sets up a colony in Africa and makes babies with their women after about five generations the skin tone and physical traits are going to be reflective of the generations of kids produced with black Africans.
Genes don’t lie but Antisemetic ■■■ Hating trolls certainly do.
What facets?
A black American turned an orthodox ■■■ has the right to migrate to Israel (with all the privileges of a ■■■■■■ immigrant) and steal Palestinian land?
There are no Palestinian people, they did not even exist as a recognized group until the creation of the PLO.
Israel is a sovereign country, they get to decide their immigration laws.
Groups like The International ■■■■■■ Agency bought the land that became Israel, they didn’t steal a damned thing.
The Arabs got together and decided to steal the land that had been rightfully bought by them once Israel declared it’s independence in 48.
Arabs lost the war in 48 and Israel rightfully seized some of the land they’d used to attack Israel.
Arabs tried again in 56 with the same result, lost more of the land they used to attack Israel.
Arabs tried again in 67, same result, lost more of the land they had used to attack Israel.
Same result in 73.
When you start a war and get your asses kicked you tend to lose some of your territory. That has been how it works since man first began segregating into clans and fighting broke out between clans over natural resources.
whose ass got kicked in 1973?
What the hell are you smoking?
Both the Syrians and Egyptians suffered huge losses and defeat and both lost vital strategic real estate.
Egypt which surrendered early was later voted out of the Arab League for doing so.
Those critical gains in territory are why the so called “Palestinians” keep insisting on the pre 67 borders as a condition for any permanent peace treaty.
Greatest tank battles never memorialized in great movies.
There are actually several, try Youtube.
Israel’s “invincibility” was lost in 1973 and many Israelis began to re-think their residency in Israel. That was a good start.
It is easy to give war pep talks while sitting comfortably in an armchair far from Israel, or Iran for that matter.
What the hell are you babbling about now? Outnumbered more than 7-1 They defeated a coordinated attack by the two most powerful armies in the region with a kill ration of five to one in tanks and 8:1 in casualties.
They learned where their intel and defensive capabilities were weak and improved both.
46 years later No nation has even attempted to invade again because of the cost of doing so.
Egypt’s defeat was so complete it resulted in the Camp David Peace conference and Egypt signing a treaty recognizing Israel and it’s sovereignty.
The loss also cost Egypt’s leader his job and Expulsion from the Arab League.
Syria’s defeat was so complete their offensive capability was destroyed and after what was left of their military had been driven all the way to the gates of Damascus they surrendered to avoid losing the capital.
Neither Syria nor Egypt has even attempted another invasion of Israel since because the Israelis for the fourth time had proven the cost was far to high and the likelihood of success far too low.
The US supplied whatever weaponry Israel asked for.
Courtesy of the American tax payers
Well that certainly isn’t true. Although they begged for US support very little was provided and it was very limited. It didn’t even start arriving until the 5th day and consisted almost exclusively of spare/replacement parts and ammunition.
After Golda Meir asked Kissinger — two ■■■■ — doing their spiel, there was a constant flow of armament to Israel, courtesy of US tax payers to Israel in 1973.
But the war was a blow to Israelis, nonetheless.
I personally know Israeli families who lost their sons in the traumatic war.
Yeah, armchair war mongers sit in their armchair and cheer for a new war. This time it’s gonna be a bunch of American families who do the grieving.
You’re just spewing nonsense. People die in every war, fathers and sons are lost.
Israel won that war by every measure a war can be won or lost.
Palestine is nothing more than a geographic location on the map. Set by the Romans. The ■■■■ were there for 1,000s of years.
My grandma Vilula said: There was War in Heaven; so how can we expect Peace on Earth.
Granny was pretty sharp.
God took the same route Israel is, he booted out the trouble makers.
If Israel is cornered, I have no doubt they will pull out all the stops. Israel will not ask for permission to defend Israel. Little doubt Israel has the same weapons the USA has.