America is Officially Over

I’m guessing that the age of exploration turned their countries on all of the trade routes into just sail-around country.

but how many of them are cutting off the heads of non believers?

You studied at the feet of the same man Obama did, I see.
You do him proud today.

There is no difference between your post and this man’s disgusting rant.


Exactly. Proof that Islam could coexist with Christianity and Judaism. I’m not saying that everyone is always happy under such an arrangement because somebody is in control and there are concomitant “favorites” and prerogatives given to those who adhere to the favored religion. But there was not the vile, animalistic, evil trying to make all bow to Mecca.

And Mellenninnial women make 30% more than boomer women…it’s their fault the men make less.

Well of course it can happen here and probably is…

Yep, we have our own “kookaboos”

I wasn’t affixing blame anywhere. And yes, liberals have advanced women’s rights significantly in the last century…

Anerican liberals in the past are not the same as American liberals today. You lost the bubble. In the past, you were the watchdog for American liberties. Now you want everyone’s life controlled by a central government.

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They’re all kooks. If you’re going to broad brush, conservatives all want everything controlled by a central church…:roll_eyes:

Not even close.

Most conservatives just want government to leave them alone.

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Wtf… how wrong could you be? You have been totally brainwashed. Totally . I have not been inside a church for 30 years. I’ve prayed more recently with Muslims at a Muslim Shia shrine than I have with any Christians. I’m a self avowed heathen who would not be accepted in any Church.

Someone opened up that noggin of yours and put their ideas in there. Now you parrot them thinking they are your own. Know what Dude? There is little hope for you. Maybe dedicate the rest of your life to celibacy and charity. For God sake… have no offspring!

Typical, resort to personal attacks and insults…:roll_eyes:

Waaaaa… you insulted conservatives and when we hit back you go


What a pussy.


True I suppose, and we’re certainly no longer in that here.

And then he doubles down with the rules violations. Very typical…:roll_eyes:

Yep, pretty sure it was just the norm…:rofl:

prueba… pruebas … uno dos tres… hola, como esta?

Captain, it appears to be some sort of universal translator!

Oh you loves them rules Dantes, dont you?

Yep, you have a point.