America is Officially Over

Hmmmm, that’s an interesting solution. And where pray tell would you council the best place for Americans to relocate.

I would imagine that that was the sentiment around the various Native American camps during the late 18th century.

It’s only a problem when it happens to you.

Every country has its good and bad, its just some bad are worse than others.
that person who is whining about America should leave, I would say the same thing if someone was whining about the UK or any developed advanced nation.

There is no perfect utopian country , but the reality is some countries are better than others.

If I couldn’t live in the US I would live in Canada, the UK or NZ

Clearly the whiner generations are in full force.

I’m amazed that they blame boomers instead of blaming the root causes that affect their ability to get a good paying job. Until the influx of cheap labor ends and deputations begin, this will just get worse. Why would any employer hand out pay raises when there’s an unlimited supply of entry labor forcing people upward stagnating the next levels of employment.

What aren’t the screaming at the congress who cannot even agree on the name of a post office today?

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Good points but be careful. The most offensive posters here will be flagging you as offensive…

History has shown us, the greatest nations - civilizations have run their course; and more often than not, it’s the cancer from inside that takes the toll. We are no different; other than the fact, no other nation in recorded history has hit the top as quickly as we have. What’s most disturbing to me is, my grandchildren will never get to see the wholesome America I was privileged to grow up in. It was as close to magical as a childhood could be. Total freedom & as safe as humanly possible. It was glorious to be alive. Almost like growing up in an amusement park. Well the amusemnt park thing may be a stretch; but anyone here my age will know what I’m talking about; and anyone not my age could never understand.

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Probably the exact sentiments of the American Indian elders towards the end of the 19th century.

Bingo. Everything is temporary. I remember every 14 year old boy had a .22 rifle; and guess what, no one got hurt. We knew it was a deadly weapon, even without gun laws. And any whack on the ass I got, I deserved. I had a nun call my mother & tell her, your son is the only student I ever had who made me curse. I was mature enough to enlist in the Navy when I was 16; and at 17, I graduated high school, and I was on my own. I actually had to fight with my mother to get out of the house. I told her 17 years is a long time to be on the tit. And I was not alone. It was the norm to leave home back then, at least in my town.

I guess they project their inner daddy upon us.

They should have invented writing and the wheel back before Europeans came. With those things as a foundation, and a thousand years of subsequent development, they might have had a vibrant and strong society that could have fended off the Europeans. As is, it was simply scientifically predictable that natural selection would not be their friend.
Sorry. Nature is not politically correct.


I suspect more a lack of critical thinking skills. The inability to see what causes their problems. Better to generalize I guess.

Yep, nothings static…

That’s as good an excuse for the exploitation and suffering imposed upon 3/4ths of the globe as I’ve ever heard. They did it because they could…:roll_eyes:

But my comment of course was directed at all the bellyaching by so many that what came through oppression and exploitation is being lost now.

And of course it’s neither political or PC. Just good old fashion human nature that’s good at exploiting but hates to be the exploited.

What’s happening in western countries pales in comparison to what western countries have visited on the rest.

When a society reaches a point that too many young men do not have a steak in the game they will flip the table over


Welcome to the world of humans. And just because you don’t like who we are, you will NOT be able to make yourself into a better God - and better creator - than the one who created us. What you fail to recognize is that 1) the people who have been cut down by “western” societies did in fact cut down even weaker tribes when they could. Ask the descendants of the millions of non-Zulu Africans cut down by the more powerful Zulu tribe. 2) There has never been a more compassionate conqueror than the US. We educate, feed, protect, even help to grow those we defeat once they stop trying to kill us.

Get one of those whips to flail yourself for the guilt you feel. Then stop blaming “western” countries. (And PS…Remember… you will never be new and better gods, so stop trying to make us all in your image.)



Today in politics, I browsed three forums, and observed that one has a solid group of people to the right of me who think the BoomerJews are the source of all woes to be had in this country, another has a solid group of people to the left of me defending ChoMoJoe because Orange Man Bad.

Somewhere off to the side of the SSDD crowds, there are little fad groups who think Yang is going anywhere past the punchlines, and others that think violent revolution is something they actually want a piece of.

It’s as if there are sizeable groups of people who genuinely believe the interactions dipped in hyperbole they have online are indicative of the physical world, instead of just a conglomerate of people who are absolutely passionate about their world views with no real platform to speak on other than the ones kindly provided for them.

An attack on my views is not an attack on my character, especially when the attack comes from some nobody on the internet.



Yeah, that’s what I was welcoming you to…:wink:

Not blaming anyone, just pointing out the inconvenient truth that humans reap what they sow and what goes around comes around and people should stop whining about the changing nature of things in western countries and cultures. It is what it is…:man_shrugging:

I’m sure when the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Central & South American mega cultures were in the limelight, and some people predicted failure ( from within ), their liberals lied to themselves and said: “It can’t happen here”. Does that sound familiar?

There was a Golden Age of Islam, where science, literature, art flourished. What happened? I’m guessing the Islamic religious kookaboos felt threatened by enlightenment, and did their best to squash progress. The Catholic church had wackos who felt threatened by progress; but thank God the enlightened forged ahead; and science, etc. became integral with the religion. It was still an uphill battle. We still have screwball ( so called ) Christian sects that cling to the Dark Ages.