America is Officially Over

We went from “The Greatest Generation” to a bunch of entitled, spoiled, self important whiners that can’t even handle their own feelings much less those they disagree with in half a century.

What they hell?

Wow, who would have known the boomers had it easy.

The Boomers closed down businesses.

You need to get a grip on reality.

Imagine what the suicide rate would have been in the seventies if these poor little whiners had been around… .

They really are the worst generation of humans to ever exist.


My only comfort is that boomers will die alone in a retirement home surrounded by foreigners who don’t speak a lick of english. Kind of fitting really since they were the first generation to be so self absorbed they shoved their parents into homes because they couldn’t contain their self indulgence for the final few years of their parents lives.

I’m sure once this starts becoming clear to boomers there will be massive outrage that their kids won’t take care of them even though they can’t because they can’t afford a house thanks to boomers fucking the housing market and reverse mortgaging the family home to pay for a shiny new RV and lavish holidays, leaving them with nothing.

Fuck boomers.

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You ignorant twit, the baby boomers are the generation born of the Greatest Generation who had survived the depression and WWII. We were born somewhere between the early to mid forties and the mid sixties.

Jesus Christ we’ve gone from the Greatest Generation to the most ignorant bunch of miscreants this country has ever produced in just fifty or sixty years!

We’re also the generation that recognized Medicare and Social Security were both doomed to fail without massive reforms and have been calling for those reforms since the eighties.

Entitlements however are the third rail of politics so every decent conservative who’s come along with a workable reform plan has been run out of DC on a rail.

MC/SS reform was a huge topic in the elections from the mid nineties to 2008 and of course the democrats ran adds depicting the reformers as people who were going to force their own parents to eat out of dumpsters and live in homeless camps if we did anything to reform either program at all.

We’re the people that wanted to privatize social security, raise the eligibility age, reform MC so that it was similar to what then was private health insurance and put hard limits on the spending per individual.

You are the pride of your generation, an ignorant, self important, entitled whiner that doesn’t know the first thing about any of the subject you offer us so much expertise on.

Grow the hell up and learn something.


Nursing homes and warehousing of the elderly were the creation of LBJ’s War on Poverty and our grandparents, not “boomers” you ignorant twit.

You people are the most ignorant generation in American history.

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Yeah, we are all exactly like that. We Boomers have a secret society that decided to take the little snowflakes and throw them to the wolves. :rofl:

I would rebut your stupidity, but you are doing such a good job of being an idiot, who am I to slow you down.

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A good EMP burst would solve most of the problem in 2 weeks and nearly all of it in 90 days.

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Yeah, and 90 days ain’t even a hardship…

More like a vacation.

It would thin out 2/3 of the population of the developed world and give us a chance to start over.

I vote for the big event to hit on November 1st.

What the scavengers haven’t eaten by spring we can compost and start over.

Heck, if we just cut the cord on the internet, the zombies would be walking the streets tomorrow.

True, and the mass suicides would be epic if they couldn’t “connect” to their “friends” within 72hrs.

Too bad they didn’t get a job and learn to drive…

(Like we Boomers had to.)

It’s staggering what we’ve done to put ourselves in a position where the entire race could so easily be lost.

Maybe these snowflakes that drag these generalizations in here are simply kids that Daddy did not stick around long enough to slap in the back of the head and say: Man up.

Maybe it’s something in the bottled water. Can you imagine someone trying to sell us a bottle of water when we were kids???

My dad used to laugh saying one day we’d be paying more per gallon for drinking water than gasoline. People thought he was nuts!

The disarticulation of the US began in earnest in the sixties. Obama made sure that the divide became so pronounced it could never be put back together except through overwhelming force.

Anarchy is what they desire because once they have it there will be a huge outcry from the nation for the federal gov’t to disarm us and do away with the dissidents who think individual rights actually matter.

1965 was when America started its decline whites went from 90-60% of the pop in 50 years and is now on track to be a minority by 2040-2050. Sure we had ups and downs but nothing compared to opening those immigrant flood gates.

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