America Cannot Survive If Its Citizens Lack Pride

February 26, 2023

America Cannot Survive If Its Citizens Lack Pride

By Frank Liberato

I suspect that the people around me grow weary of hearing me say “when I was young.” That is, however, the only way I can gauge the times in which we live. As Patrick Henry famously said, “I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging the future but by the past.”

The past I remember is that of a nation that loved and took pride in its history, freedom, and treasured institutions. Obviously, that is no longer true. That wealth of national pride has been turned on its head. While hubris has long been viewed as a serious character flaw, little is ever said about a deficiency of pride or what may happen to a society when pride becomes scant or nonexistent.

Pride in our history and system of governance, in one’s accomplishments, and in one’s home, property, and offspring are all ingredients for a healthy, prosperous, and civil society. When there is no pride, things fall apart. Where there is no pride in one’s work, there is poor production or unemployment. Where there is no pride in one’s home, there is squalor and decay. Where there is no pride in one’s family, there is dysfunction.

Who would want to defend a country that makes them ashamed? How many would fastidiously feather a nest that is not their own? Not many people would spend a great deal of their time on something that has no value to them and in which they take no pride.

The political left is working to strip away the grandeur of all we once held dear in this country and then recasting it as an evil enterprise deserving of our contempt and mistrust. If you want to snuff out the American system, all that is required is to denigrate the things that make people proud. American history, the Constitution, free enterprise, hard work, private property, a merit-based economy, and ultimately the Bill of Rights and liberty are those things most often targeted for disparagement.

Even some of our cherished religious institutions have joined in the fray. They cast aspersions on private property as “…a secondary natural right” and as subordinated “to the universal destination of the Earth’s goods, and thus the right of all to their use.” Perhaps someone should remind the Pope, whose words I quoted, that without private property as a driving force, there is no incentive to produce, no pride of ownership, and ultimately just slavery to the state and destitution (i.e. communism).

These foolish ideas flourish in our universities as well.

Often, today’s young people support socialism and communism. China is held up to them as the real and true “shining city on a hill.” As part of their education, they should be required to spend time in Cuba, Venezuela, or rural China, where trillions of western dollars have not yet found their way into the pockets of indigent citizens. Or maybe their professors should be required to make that pilgrimage as well. Either way would work but, somehow, the children (and adults) of America’s shrinking middle class must be made to understand what they have and what it is that they are demanding.

Having poured untold American taxpayer dollars into a Chinese renaissance, we’ve now turned the open dollar spigot on Ukraine in a misguided effort to oust Vladimir Putin. What we may accomplish is to drive the Chinese into bed with Russia. Our thirty-year investment in China would then be turned against us, and all the billions in military hardware that we are now investing in Ukraine would, as with Afghanistan, be left for our enemies to harvest. Or we can start WWIII with NATO and the United States pitted against at least two nuclear superpowers. God help us.

Never mind that our national debt creeps toward unsustainable levels. Never mind that our own infrastructure is crumbling or that a two-year invasion of our southern border continues to accelerate. Never mind that inflation reaches new heights, and crime in many cities is out of control.


This nation no longer does what we the people want. It does whatever the entrenched leaders of the parties want…and their wants are based entirely on whether they personally receive more wealth and power or not.

Even with “elections”, the voting public cannot rid itself of the true enemies of the constitutional law and order intended by that document. The corruption is in our government no matter which party is in control.

Communism will destroy freedom and capitalism because the ruling class will maintain itself regardless of which side prevails and the masses want the “free stuff” offered by collectivism.

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We need to retake our culture centers (urban areas) , we need to new immigrants to be, Albanian, Bulgarian, Polish, etc…
Fcuk Irish immigrants, they are the worst , they push for socialism
No more welfare dependent cultures.

Unfortunately we continue to re-elect the same people over and over again.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Why would anyone continue to expect inflation to lower when government continues to spend endlessly? Yet we have the same people passing more spending.

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Trump has been elected over and over? Trump is the only non political president we had since Andrew Jackson you dim wit lol

Pink Floyd got it right… ‘Welcome to The Machine’.

You know exactly what he means. Trump is just a bit player in The Machine.

In your deluded mind. That would make him ineligible to run for the presidency again.

Nothing valuable to contribute go back to your topics that no one wants to respond to.


What would make him in eligible ? Lol

Didn’t think so dumb arse lol

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We can always talk about what has happened! The national debt, our political leaders doing squat, robbing the coffers, rigged elections, societal degradation, communism blah blah blah. We don’t ever look at the cause. What is the cause? What happened? What led us to this place in time?

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Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It starts with people we send to congress, the WH to represent us.

  1. Themselves, and their personal interests.
  2. Their monied interests.
  3. Their party.
  4. The people who sent them to DC if it doesn’t conflict with 1-3.

Proof, look how may people in congress leave service as multi millionaires.
All the actions you mention are the results of our elected representatives in their quest for power/wealth.

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Expect for trump he’s lost money since he announced. A real patriot.

But power only corrupts if given the opportunity to do so. I would argue that it doesn’t start with who we send as our elected representatives but how we have evolved as a society that reflects the current day discourse of both our values and disposition of indifference that has made the current situation possible.

To add to this:

Just so I am reading your post correctly, you brought up an important topic to discuss, which is:

“America cannot survive if its Citizens lack Pride” which equates to “Civic Pride” not the mere issue of corruption in American politics. So this is what I am responding to, and If I have your intent wrong then please correct me and I will move on.

Our History is being changed by our politicians and the demands of the left.
Our system of governance being destroyed by the very people we send to represent us. Our government dumped the ACA law on us. A frame work law that allowed unelected government workers establish the actual way our healthcare system operates. What we must have for insurance, etc. The EPA establishes new law on a regular basis.
Our government allow millions into the US, house and feed them while citizens are sleeping on the streets in tents. The rights of the illegals surpass the rights of citizens.
Our children are being transformed in our schools and our government supports school over family.

This is the society we have built and now people wonder where the pride is.

But you are not answering the fundamental question on how it happened, you are only listing the symptoms and the by product of a system that went unchecked. The question still remains “How did we get here?” How was it allowed to happened?

You can’t solve problems if you don’t know what the cause of them are.


How did we get here, our government.
The government people chose to elect.
People were and remain complacent. As long as their politicians deliver they remain power.

How do we fix this government?

I suspect the American people will continue to remain entitled. That means it will not change until we are forced to change. The force will be the mounting debt when it hits the point when investors and the world gives the middle finger to the treasury and the status of world currency ends.

I disagree! For the simple reason that Government is made of people and its not a monolith.

Did they elect or were they duped into believing they are electing while the deep state were selecting their preferred candidates?

As far as what I am leading to is the issue of “Civic Pride” which = to Citizens themselves lacking pride.

Civic pride relates to how places promote and defend local identity and autonomy. It is often championed as a key value and aspiration of local government.

Politics starts at the local level, once that is gone then the rest of the institutions follow.

The “Robes of Society” and the attack of it started with Antonio Gramsci whose ideology formulated the need for revolution not from the outside but from within which is by definition Cultural revolution carried out by cultural Marxism. This has been a systematic take down for the last 60+ years.

If you haven’t seen it yet, I strongly recommend watching this. Curtis Bowers articulates exactly what happened to America.

Duped or not, they are in office thanks to the people.

Uninformed people voting, want free vote for me.

Yeah I am sorry to say its not as simple as a mere vote that has lead us as a nation to experience the problems that we face today. Or for that matter to accept the belief that the people have a say in who will represent them in Government.

As the cliche saying goes "its not who gets to vote but who counts the votes that matter.

I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.

said in 1923; Boris Bazhanov The Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary

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Listening to white ppl from the burbs are funny.
We lost our ways because our culture centers, (urban areas ) have been vacated by patriotic educated Americans… replaced by low iq minorities and boat loads of commies, using them as militant fire power.

The cheating is coming from these urban culture centers… you will never get America back until you flood these areas with patriotic AMERICANS that dominate the culture. PERIOD

Some of you big mouth ex military cons are going to have to fight a real fight. Come join me and fight.

I’m tired of hearing ex military beating their chest, who carried the most powerful weapons, had 20 other guys with them, in a war zone less violent than an American city. So pathetic

With your stupid beards that takes longer to groom than a female putting make up on. And your big trucks, ohh that makes you a bad ass lol

Using welfare to pay for your truck payments (“I served!”) lol