America Cannot Survive If Its Citizens Lack Pride

Pre 1970’s it was very common for poor urban areas to have educated, well mannered communities, as equal to the suburbs.

If you want America back you have to create an equilibrium.
It’s has to include a change to immigration, and education. Parents in the home.

I’m tired of hearing ex military beating their chest, who carried the most powerful weapons, had 20 other guys with them, in a war zone less violent than an American city. So pathetic

Shut up loser! You never served a day in your life! So you have no idea what the fk you are talking about.

Brilliant! You advocate for people to move back to the cities when you don’t have a clue what that actually means. Furthermore America didn’t lose its way just because people moved from the cities, it was because the loss of values from infiltration of our institutions, a systematic attack on morals, the attack on the family nucleolus a strategy originating from the Fabian society and transcended and evolved to other communist institutions like the Frankfurt Institute who took their ideas from Antonio Gramsci. If you actually picked up a book and starting reading you wouldn’t sound like such an ignorant moron here all the time. You prove us right yet again!

Lol these institutions are in urban areas, our media, our universities, everything was connected to the urban family. You look foolish

Servered? According to data my city is just as or more dangerous than ANY FCKING WAR ZONE TODAY, and I’m in a police state! Cops everywhere… you coward.
I am captain America!

And I don’t have high powered weapons or an army on men with me. I’m a fcuking cowboy baby!

Again proving what a fking moron you are by ignoring the context of what I am stating. And no everything is not connected to the urban family which proves once again you are out of your depth in understanding history or for that matter evolution of societal culture. Then again for a high school drop out like yourself we shouldn’t be surprised by your display of limited scope, you couldn’t even properly define the word “culture” let alone be able to write proper English!

Cowboy? You never rode a horse in your entire life moron! Go back to your grandparents basement and play some more make believe fantasy! Maybe you will find another Russian model from the internet and try to convince us that you are dating her too!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Our culture a set of standards and values a common country accepts and adapts to. You dip shiat

You protected shmuck. Lol go hide in your suburban town coward lol

My truck is paid for by my own hard work. My beard takes 5 minutes, once a week. There is no way I will voluntarily move to a blighted urban area… no person in their right mind would. Where would you put the poor and downtrodden after you fill up a shit hole city with “respectable” people?




Many ppl won’t really server their country… I will and am


Deflect much?


I’ll never deflect my country, couch potato boomer

Remember this, it was the people who moved out to the country to farm, raise livestock, grow food that the communists hate the most. Its why in Europe (The EU Communists) say" “How dare you be independent!” You must move back to the city so Government can take care of you! “You can’t do that!” The cities is the last place any self sufficient and able person will want to be when the food sources start drying up! Its happening in Europe and its a matter of time before it starts showing up in America. Morons who preach about moving back to the cities to save the country are clueless fools who want you to follow like them, like lemmings over a cliff! No thank you!

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My city roads were created by cows and horses lol
You don’t know shit

You clearly have no idea.

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How can America try to preach to the rest of the world that they are about Human rights and democracy then deny basic humanitarian aid to a country like Syria’s Asaad.

Is this really a good look for the US to the rest of the world?

An official report released by the State Department on Tuesday acknowledged a steep drop in human rights progress in Afghanistan following the United States’ retreat last August.

Why is it such a surprise as the US denies Syria aid?

Our government denies aid to the homeless and veterans very day yet give the world to assylum seekers.

No doubt that is a good point, however I am just pointing out that the optics to the rest of the world is signaling the obvious double standard to which the US is no longer that beacon of light on the hill for the rest of the world to rely on. Perhaps its all by design if one accepts Obama’s once referenced “lessening America’s footprint in the world.” I would argue its much more sinister than that.

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