Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Cow Farts

You’ve made the point. You’re just saying that because you are comparing them to Occassional Cortex. :wink:

I recall the story of a rich man who knew it was time to get out of the stock market before the 29 crash when he got a hot stock tip from his shoeshine boy.

Well, beam me up Scotty, because though the shoeshine boy at least kinda understood the economy enough to be an investor we’ve got his idiot great-great-granddaughter in Congress…


For some reason I no longer want lunch.

Interesting that George Bush is on the TV in the background. :face_with_monocle:

“Magna Cum Laude”.

What an embarrassment.

If that’s real it’s priceless.

Well, the flames coming out her ass part is obviously enhanced. /Captain Obvious

Sadly, no. AOC’s head is attached to another girl.

Too bad. Can you imagine what that would be worth if she runs for POTUS?

I don’t think that’s real. Farts don’t produce yellow, smoky flame when they are lit.