Alec Baldwin Hounded for Anti-Gun Activism, Old Tweet Asking ‘How It Must Feel to Wrongfully Kill Someone’

Let us say there is a need for guns for security in that part of the world. Fine. They were filming a western. The security guns and the movie guns would not be the same kinds of guns. A modern movie set in the 1950s would have a 10" black and white TV, not a 60" flat screen TV. The guns would be as different as the TVs.

So the questions are: why was the movie gun loaded at all? did the labor dispute affect this situation? Was the production cutting corners? Why was not armorer not on set if gun was to be used?

To me, the big thing is this. Whole production sounds very shoddy. Alec Baldwin was not just hired help; he was a co-producer. But I keep coming back to this.



When I was a kid, before my first day of hunting with my father, my mom pulled me off to the side and told me she knew my dad had relentlessly worked over gun and hunter safety with me (he had). She said she knew after all of that teaching, to tell me to “be careful” wouldn’t mean much. She then said something to the effect of: “just know, if you don’t take what you were taught by your father seriously, there could be a very serious accident, and you will have to come home and tell me and your brothers and sisters what happened to your dad because you weren’t careful.”

Goddamn, that hit me harder than anything. That brought home the seriousness of what my dad had been teaching me.

Regardless of what we learn. Regardless of how Alec Baldwin is, or is not responsible. He will live with what happened.

I am reminded of what my mom told me, and I can’t imagine being in Alec’s shoes.


Movies have done this stuff safely for decades. This indie production lacked experienced union crew. The producers, including Baldwin, will be sued. Criminal charges unlikely.

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The lack of a union crew won’t necessarily lead to charges against the production team. Someone put that bullet or cartridge in that gun. Who did it? Why did they do it? And did they knowingly place a live round into a period piece?

The labor disruption provides a serious avenue for exploring a malefactor acting with nefarious intent. ”I’ll show them how bad safety is by loading this gun. Yeah, that’ll show’em.”

Of course I hope I am entirely wrong, but the “coincidence” of a safety driven walk-out coinciding with a major safety debacle makes me go :thinking:

My incident happed 51 years ago and still today I think how could I have cambered a round and the safety switch be off…Accidents happen!

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When I was there nobody cared for the war.They just wanted to get home. I cannot tell you how many crazy missions I flew.

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To me, it’s bullshit that so many people on the left use the same tactics as conservatives. Taking the events of this tragedy and turning it into a political fight because it suits your purpose; unions=all good for employees and non-unions=terrible, therefore if they had been pure=unionized, this tragedy would not have happened! This is a bullshit premise since accidents always happen, even to people in unions!!

The above is a lesson in how conservatism has seeped into everything we do, every event can and should be exploited to win political points in all aspects of life every single day, even a horrible tragedy.

People think the presence of a hard-won union mandate for stringent safety practices which have made events like this rare compared to pre-union conditions might have caught whatever mistakes led to a young woman’s death.

If Alec Baldwin doesn’t deserve jail time neither does Kim Potter

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Here is where I’m at on this…

Alec Baldwin the actor is not at fault, but Alec Baldwin the producer is at fault if he pressured the armorer to cut corners. If the armorer was pressured to cut corners, she should have walked off the set and took the guns with her.

If Alec’s name was trump jr Alec would be leading the lynching of trump. Alec needs to be put Jail

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Or why they had non modified guns that could accept live ammunition….

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Won’t find a Republican on this set, that’s why it’s a shit show… Alec trying to produce a country and western lol karma

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Here’s my take on Alec Baldwin:

  • be whiny liberal gun grabber

  • shoot a bitch


This was one week ago… absolutely shocking he can’t keep his eyes open. How about a Toxicology report of this stink of a human

put the rich white dude in Jail along with Pervert Joe Biden . why dose America respect women and elect the asshole Biden

Baldwin’s political persuasion and ideology is irrelevant to this event. He may have civil issues with this because he is a co-producer and has responsibilities due to that. But it’s very unlikely that he faces legal jeopardy. Also, you need only look at the pics of him moments after the event and you see a clearly shaken and distraught man, maybe even throwing up. He yelled who handed me a hot gun as soon as it happened.

This is a tragedy, the loss of this young woman’s life leaving behind a young son….Just horrible.

Also as an LEO yourself I’d think you’d know that manslaughter would not usually carry a 10 year sentence……

You really think there’s no liberal female cops….:thinking:

Was Alec the actor and producer EVER instructed by a professional person ( NRA certified instructor) as an example, pay attention Monte , to PROPERLY check a weapon to insure the proper ammo was chambered and on safe and taught the NO1 RULE, NEVER ASSUME A WEAPON IS on safe and unloaded. Not too much to ask is it???