No just morons like YOU !
Why in the fuck do you think we have a Constitution ? It’s a rhetorical question MF’s like YOU CAN’T FUCKING THINK !
Well not just Left-Wing White women but also Left-Wing White men and also the CINOs (Conservative In Name Only) crowd who ENABLE them.
ALL Whites who go along with The Globalist Agenda are Self-Hating White’s and we should be happy they are not breeding, their DNA dies with them and as Right-Winger’s DO have children and ARE breeding this means that when the whole thing crashes and burns the STRONG will be left for more Generations whereas the WEAK will have been wiped out.
The West possibly will collapse BUT out of the ashes WE will rebuild it. Remember what we refer to now as The West has had many collapses in history - Ancient Greece collapsed, Ancient Rome collapsed and yet from the ashes Western Civilization was ALWAYS rebuilt and after the latest impending collapse WE will once again rebuild Western Civilization.
And with some chocolate male sponging off her dumbass .
Get the fk out of here with that shit! You fking Marxist POS! Go live with your communist friends in Australia asshat! You and your way of thinking is the reason why Totalitarianism is making a come back!
Stay out of your car… they cause massive numbers of civilian deaths every year… more than guns… way more. They have no place in society, especially America.
This is exactly how dumb you Liberals sound to normal people.
Yea… that’s the reason.
Maybe you’d like to try again?
We still don’t have all the information. There certainly shouldn’t be real weapons with live rounds on a movie set. Seems at the least there were protocols not followed….
But a young woman lost her life and if there’s any negligence, manslaughter seems inadequate though I suppose it’s the law….
there all liberal pukes good riddance
Alec is making a cowboy movie seriously? Lol
What a waste of money
Alec Baldwin is one of the worst on the Left, the man is just deranged, but also as he’s on the Left he’s also a hypocrite as the Left have for years been pushing the Agenda to NOT have children, or at the least to limit children to one or two per family etc how many children has Alec Baldwin got with his second wife? He’s got 6 so in all he’s got 7 children, including his daughter with Kim Basigner, the daughter that he was SCREAMING abuse at.
I had a rifle accident many years ago in Laos. I always felt apprehensive landing at remote grass strips. The people there to greet me looked as though they came out of a William Faulkner novel. I was walking away from the aircraft with my M16 carbine.pointed down.BAM! The bullet missed my big toe by one inch. I could have sworn that a round was not chambered. After that incident, I always doubled checked!
You are a Vietnam War Veteran? If so thank you for your service, that was another pointless War we had no business being involved in, another disaster like Afghanistan.
Go read and understand why the 2nd Amendment wss put in the Constitution.
It’s not the weapon, but the person that is using ot, is the problem. A weapon doesn’t have a brain to decide when to squeeze the trigger.
Fine, but there’s still a lot we need to learn…
I agree that there is.
This is who Alec Balwin left in charge of firearms safety.
See a pattern here?
The gun armorer and assistant director who gave a fatal prop gun to Alec Baldwin have been identified.
A search warrant released Friday said that armorer Hannah Gutierrez laid out three prop guns on a cart outside the filming location, and first assistant director Dave Halls grabbed the gun from the cart and brought it inside to Baldwin, unaware that it was loaded.
‘Cold gun!’ shouted Halls before handing the gun to Baldwin, using the phrase to signal to cast and crew that the gun was safe to fire for the scene, the warrant said.
Random events are never random.
Two lines, 27 words, and a whole lot of ambiguity….
The debate will never end.
The assistant director did not know the prop gun was loaded with live rounds, according to a search warrant filed in a Santa Fe County court.
I don’t understand why they had any live rounds on set period.
According to the NYT, the armorer wasn’t present (because of covid restrictions? Which, wut?), and the Assistant Director was the one who said the gun was safe.
That’s not how any of this works. Just sayin.