Act 1: BREAKING: Mass Shooting At El Paso Walmart…

The far left.

Most know that removing guns from citizens is not a viable solution.

Kripes, these are the same people salivating over the “green deal”. Who with half a functioning brain buys into that.

The more these things happen the more I’m beginning to believe they’re PsyOps. And I’m generally not a conspiracy theorist.

A valid point.

Right now the MSM is being run by the leftists. People are being bombarded by gay agenda, transvestites, gun control, green deals, open borders, free healthcare for illegals.

Where do they go to get news (if you are not politically aware) that tells a different story and how the lunacy is being combated and the gains made against it?

Is the media, through supporting the left’s agenda and demonizing the right’s agenda to blame for the dismal outlook people are inclined to feel and rebel against?

I’ve read about it. Again, take guns away and people will find an alternate means to destroy.

Boston Bombers…Timothy McVeigh…

Antifa threatened terrorism in El Paso 5 days ago and whattya know, mass shooting less than a week later.

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If the elites refuse to do anything about the hispanic invasion, I guess the citizens will.

We have been killing each other since our ancestors left the trees & began walking on two legs. Probably before they left the trees. No end in sight. Difficult to be an optimist. I was fortunate enough to grow up in the 50s & 60s. Lucky me; but my grand kids will never get to see or live in the America that was my childhood. There was relative sanity.

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Civil Wars have started over situations much less stressful. [

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial -

VICTIMS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS . MEMORIAL . In honor of the thousands of American citizens killed each year by Illegal Aliens

Something tells me the explanation for this will fall somewhere between JFK’s assassination and the Vegas shooting.

Clear as mud.

Go read the El Paso shooter’s supposed manifesto and tell me it was written by a Right Wing White Nationalist.

America is gun crazy and it’s getting to the point where top Republicans are turning on Trump over this.

Five simple questions that blow apart the official fake news narrative about the El Paso Wal-Mart shooting

I don’t know if this is simply a misspoken sentence on the reporter’s part, but if this is what I think it means, we are royally fucked.

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This is some spooky MK Ultra shit.

@Patriot this is not a conspiracy thread and it is already being derailed by the usual suspects.

So you believe everything that the news is telling you about this?

Go be a fuckin hall monitor somewhere else.

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Aside from looks the Gilroy and EP Shooters have a lot in common.

Both express White Nationalist mentalities, but both are also somewhat politically schizophrenic aficionados of 4 Chan and 8 Chan.

Pro dope, pro gay, anti immigrant, fear of losing the culture and being replaced by immigrants.

Both apparently saw the Christ Church Shooter as a hero as well.

Our FBI/LEO’s need to get serious about monitoring the sites this vermin infests like they do Jihadi sites and start attempting to interdict them before they act.

We’ve prevented literally hundreds if not thousands of terrorists events by doing so.

They are most likely to happen in the highest population centers which of course are almost universally controlled by democrats.

I think it’s just a matter of how the numbers work out.

At least we know for sure that the shooter isn’t white.


He is white, Crusius is a German name and he’s certainly not a Latino.
