A suggestion for Trump

You can lose your job for saying all lives matter. You can lose your church for saying sex should be between a man and a woman.

It’s ok though…because blacks and commies can beat your wife with a 2x4 and tear down your history.

Everythings a trade off when you MAGA

MAGA, as Trump and Trumper mean it, will never happen…

Only MIGA will happen.

What are you even posting? I shouldn’t have even wasted any time explaining this to you, this is for the normies that will scroll this thread.

You beat my wife with a 2X4 and you better be in good with God cause you gonna meet him no matter WHAT color you are…Nice to see another ■■■ hating dolt on the boards though. Don’t think there are enough here. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Yeah, it was a joke. I know you guys are pissed about Trump’s coziness with Israel. I don’t care for it either…

By the way, show me an example of a church being lost for preaching the Bible.

Nice to see another America last dolt on the boards though. Don’t think there are enough here.

I have a suggestion for Trump as well: Address the nation’s Black populace:

  • There is racism in this country- and it exists in every group and every individual that hates another group. No one believes that another group is evil without believing that their own is somehow superior.

  • No community, regardless of race, can succeed without law, without order, without respecting others’ rights and taking responsibility for one’s own decisions.

  • A community without policing will live in fear of the small percentage of people who are antisocial, violent, and prone to criminality. A community that hates police, and elevates criminals becomes a place where businesses leave, jobs leave, and pride is replaced by dependence, boredom, and misery.

  • A community that takes more from society than it creates for society is failing. Filling up for profit prisons is not helping society, and certainly not helping the community.

  • A community in which 70% of children grow up without a father figure is a community that will have little order, little security, a lot of misery, and a lot of incarceration. It is unmanly to impregnate a woman and then run away like a child caught misbehaving - own. your. life.

  • If you wait for politicians who feign care about you once every four years, who put on kente cloth and speak at your church sounding more like Jar Jar Binks than themselves, you will forever be shackled to waiting, wanting, and wishing. If you want a better, safer community, you must create it. It cannot be created from outside.

  • If you are waiting for your schools to be better, you must make your child better. When the students improve, the teaching does also. Get in touch with your kids’ teachers, find out what’s happening, and take whatever steps you need to to help them be better students.

  • As you know, I have a tendency to be brash, but you also know that before we were clobbered by the corona virus, that we created more jobs for African Americans than any president in history. We can do it again; I promise you that there will be a vaccine, and that I will do my part to bring those jobs back, will you do your part in making your communities attractive to businesses? Whether rich or poor, communities that are well kept, and safe, are communities that attract jobs, and jobs are what we need now more than ever.

Face it. Trump has cucked to BLM and bent the knee. This is who he is having address the nation from the Rose Garden tomorrow…

America last? You’re an idiot. I believe in America first but I also believe in allies that are loyal. I’ll side with Israel over France any day of the week. Do I want ALL foreign aid cut off? Sure… but I’m not an anti-■■■ moron engaged in conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory like some here.

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Says the prime leftist racist hate monger.

Trump should listen to Tucker Carlson and so should the rest of you.


I saw this episode tonight. No way he stays on the air. He’s the only one at this point criticizing BLM, our politicians, everyone. He sent a clear message here to the rest of us too.

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Correct…side note…no wonder NK is preparing to invade.


“Grandpa, where were you when America ended?”

“Well Jamal’aquai, I was on Twitterbook posting about how the Dems were the real racists.”

Yeah, think you have me confused with someone else. Just because I don’t buy into the anti ■■■ bullshit doesn’t mean I won’t carry a rifle to defend this nation. Let some of these fucks start burning stuff in my neighborhood… as long as they destroy their part of the city, I don’t give a rats ass… fuck with mine and that’s your ass and I know there are hundreds of thousands like me.


No, presidents shouldn’t be listening to pundits to run the country…:roll_eyes:

Tucker is a racist moron who is conflating the few rioters and looters with the whole of protesters. The rioters and looters are opportunists, anarchists, people who don’t care about justice, equality, or George Floyd…And they are not the ones that politicians have knelt with…

Monte is an even bigger racist moron driving the lowinfo clown car today!

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