Open with a middle aged, handsome Black man speaking into the camera, every four or five words, switch to another person, Hispanic, Asian, White, and keep the rotation going through the whole 30 sec.
Every election is hyped as the election of a lifetime.
This election is one in which you have two very different visions of America’s future.
The Democrats offer you unworkable programs the cost of which would raise your taxes severely, because just the top 1% could not fund the giant promises, even if you took all of their money.
Republicans take less of what you earn in taxes, and seek to make government more efficient.
The Democrats focus on our differences - skin color, religion, income - and will continue to do so.
The Republicans welcome all people, regardless of what they look like, or where they came from to join the American experience, learn our traditions. We aren’t perfect, but we aren’t the horrible country Democrats want you to believe.
The Democrats have openly called for packing the Supreme Court, restricting free speech, abolishing the Electoral College, and giving free healthcare to illegal aliens. All of these are examples not of altruism, but of hunger for power.
The Republicans want to keep the Electoral College so that smaller population states will still have a voice. The Republicans want to maintain the Supreme Court in its 9 vote configuration, even when the majority leans left.
The Democrats want the power to dictate as much of your life as they can. They believe in coercion, if you doubt this, try openly saying you’re a Republican- see what happens.
The Republicans want America to continue to be a place where freedom of speech, including speech you don’t agree with- is assured, and where we identify as Americans, regardless of ethnicity, skin color, or religion. Join us, we want to keep America great.