3D Printed AR-15 .22 Caliber Upper


WTF does that even mean ?

It means his word isn’t worth a damn and he is like a pit bull with a pillow in his mouth and a case of lockjaw.

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You still here? :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s an addiction…

In your case it’s an affliction! Now go and have a wibble about me with your dumb mate Samm. ‘Birds of a feather’ and all that?

It means you’re a religious wacko who doesn’t approve of my secular expletives. ‘Jesus wept as he entered Jerusalem before his trial and death, anticipating the destruction of the Temple.’ Here endeth the lesson?? lol

Nobody here except you has stated that you were outta here … thirteen times, if I am not mistake. :stuck_out_tongue:

You are mistaken, it’s fourteen times - and counting!

A man of your word, :smile::smile::smile:

Really I just wanted to understand the meaning of your post !
I still don’t have clue to WTF you are trying get across it all seems like double talk and gobbledygook .

You seem to understand it just fine then.

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Well apart from yourself, and Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb (note the Dumb - that’s quite clever of me! :sunglasses: ) nobody else is having any trouble understanding it.

You are right. We all think that t seems like double talk and gobbledygook. :stuck_out_tongue: