11 soldiers injured at Al Asad military base

Stupid people and trolls are synonymous! See the pattern here?

How are the injuries being trivialized?

Um no. You can’t possibly be serious. Trump did however proclaim that he would hit Iran “hard if they did ANYTHING to retaliate”

Iran did retaliate, in a major display of audacity they launched a precision missile strike against our military base, destroying half a dozen buildings and injuring 11 soldiers.

Trump, we ALL can be thankful, backed down from that pledge and did nothing in response, and tensions subsided.

What we do know now however is that there was NO imminent threats whatsoever, despite Trumps lie that there was intelligence of imminent attacks on four of our embassies, none of them were warned or evacuated.

And we now know that Trump authorized killing Soleimani 7 months ago, PROVING it was NOT tied to his fabricated “imminent threats”.


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Passive aggressive attention seeking trolling. That’s just what Monte has done since day one.

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She doesn’t think concussions are a big deal, if they were we’d ban contact sports…:roll_eyes: Trivializing the injuries in an attempt to diminish the significance of Iran’s attack, in order to cover for Trump not responding. Which is odd considering the alternative. :thinking:

No, I don’t think concussions are a big deal. Ergo, where is your outcry against contact sport?

Yes, Monte. Iran’s attack was incredibly successful and significant. So much so that 11 people are being evaluated for possible concussions. :roll_eyes:

I’ve suffered several in my lifetime. The most significant being in a head on boat collision.

When it’s politically expedient, say if democrats are criticizing the military, then they love and respect the military, but if it’s Iran lobbing missiles and injuring soldiers, which was punking Trump and making him look bad, fuck em, it’s just a concussion, get back to duty…

Nothing serious huh?

“It was first disclosed that some Americans suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the Al Asad attack earlier this week when journalists were allowed to tour the damage to the base on Monday.”

Good grief Monte, no one is saying or implying that. The troops are being evaluated for concussive symptoms- that’s it.

Never expect an honest comment or debate from Monte and you won’t be disappointed at least 99% of the time.

[[quote=“montecresto1, post:23, topic:7019, full:true”]

Um no. You can’t possibly be serious. Trump did however proclaim that he would hit Iran “hard if they did ANYTHING to retaliate”

Iran did retaliate, in a major display of audacity they launched a precision missile strike against our military base, destroying half a dozen buildings and injuring 11 soldiers.

Trump, we ALL can be thankful, backed down from that pledge and did nothing in response, and tensions subsided.

What we do know now however is that there was NO imminent threats whatsoever, despite Trumps lie that there was intelligence of imminent attacks on four of our embassies, none of them were warned or evacuated.

And we now know that Trump authorized killing Soleimani 7 months ago, PROVING it was NOT tied to his fabricated “imminent threats”.


Of course I’m not serious - it’s why I put an exclam mark after the notion?

And do you seriously believe that the US can go rampaging around the planet assassinating the leaders of other countries and not expect retaliation from those countries? Get real mate! I’m afraid it’s that delusion that gives the US it’s unenviable reputation. Stop poking your nose into the affairs of other countries because you’re nowhere near as smart as you think!!

Well, if you’ve paid any attention to my posting on the subject, you wouldn’t be saying any of that to me. I’m out front on that.

“It was first disclosed that some Americans suffered traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the Al Asad attack earlier this week when journalists were allowed to tour the damage to the base on Monday.”


So , now you want Trump to " RESPOND" and then more whining to come , your a JOKE !!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Being “evaluated for”, not “confirmed” TBI’s.

WTF can we believe what we’re told in these days of fake news and ‘alternative facts’? First official reports stated there were no casualties.

First reports about any dynamic event are always incompletely and almost always wrong.

Wait 72 hours for the smoke to clear an then see what’s being put out.

So WTF’s the point of issuing the statistics if they’re meaningless?

What statistics?

They report the “news” based on what they know at the time. More information is always made available as time goes on.

Well why not wait until the information is to hand then??