I don’t vote Georgia either. The Georgia election will dictate the course of this country. You can be as obtuse as you like, but the ramification of the election is clear.
I’m not being obtuse. I have an interest in the Georgia election outcome but I do not play a roll in it as you suggested…
Why doesn’t the whole retrumpliCON party go over there…then you’d have the whole gaggle of asses in one place at one time for all to see…a pile of dummie retrumpliCON losers trying to pull off a coup…silly little turds…
RetrumpliCON governors have been suppressing the vote forever…They’ve been hauled into court to many times to count…The electoral collage has run it’s course and should be eliminated…LET THE POPULAR VOTE as in every other election be the method of electing the president…The idea these little shit states out west with practically no population get full electoral votes is a crime and should be illegal…
lindsey graham said it best we have to CHANGE the laws…if we don’t there will never be another republican president elected…Ya CHANGE THE LAWS SO A RETRUMPLICON CAN BE ELECTED… that’s the crooked retrumpliCON PARTIES WAY…
That would take a Constitutional amendment and I doubt that will happen.
No, we are not a democracy.
Let’s have voter id and observers like the constitution says and let’s rerun this years elections.