In the past few years, the Trump administration has cut off U.S. assistance to the Palestinians through enacting measures such as the Taylor Force Act and the Anti-Terrorism Clarification Act, the former of which requires Palestinians to stop paying salaries to terrorists and the families of criminals killed while committing terror offenses or forfeit U.S. aid.
The United States cut funding to the Palestinians’ dedicated United Nations agency (UNRWA) in August.
The administration requested that American assistance to Israel remain at $3.3 billion.
This is a strategy hatched up by Jared Kusner to get the Palestinians to the bargaining table to negotiate a new peace settlement in which he has been working on for quite some time. Will it work? Time will tell.
If it works it will only be temporary… till the Palestinians get money again. Then they will use the money to build new schools for their children…from which they will launch new rocket attacks into Israel.
Make no mistake, foreign aid is taking money from poor people in rich countries and giving it to rich people in poor countries. No foreign aid should be provided to any country and as Americans we should be rioting in the streets over this shit.
Is that before or after the Israeli’s cross the line into the Palestinian territory and bulldoze people’s houses in order to expand their borders and build ■■■■■■settlements?
It’s funny how ■■■■can have an all ■■■■■■country, with a state enforced ■■■■■■religion, state enforced ■■■■■■values (or lack thereof), can drop chemical weapons on children, genocide Palestinians, have an entire political ideology (zionism) dedicated to the promotion of their people But God forbid White people want to live in a White neighborhood. That’s racist! Screw America! Let’s send more shekels to the poor Israelis!
Stay on topic - when people like Golda Meir say that Palestinians don’t exist, it’s obviously a hostile act aimed at justifying the dispossession of a people. They want to justify taking the land.
When people say whites don’t exist, they’re trying to justify our dispossession. They want our lands.
The connections are amazing, if you have the courage to make them. Now run along like a good little goy and continue shilling for Israel. You are a traitor to America.
The ■■■■■“There wasn’t even anything there before we showed up and built Israel with your shekels Goyim. Also the Palestinians don’t even exist”
Also the ■■■■■“Apartheid had to be ended in South Africa because those evil white people have oppressed the noble negros by building a functioning society there”
Traitor to America. Hahahagagaha… I wore the uniform of a US Air Force officer and did more for our nation than your ass could even imagine. Pfffft… 10 to 1 you never even fucking served.
Oh yeah, dude…you are real REK fucking T. Like mom spanked your ass for not coming up from the basement long enough to empty.the trash.