Yet another sanctuary state/city sends migrants to other cities. Congrads for being hypocrites Denver,Colordo

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is planning to send migrants to cities including New York City, NYC Mayor Eric Adams revealed on Tuesday, saying that he was notified of the plan on Monday evening.

“We were notified yesterday that the governor of Colorado is now stating that they are going to be sending migrants to places like New York and Chicago,” Adams said in an interview with WABC’s “Sid & Friends in the Morning.”

Nothing will change until the American people make it change.

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We are changing to Latino lol

We have a generation of “woke” morons in indoctrination institutions called schools and universities that require the "correct "way of thinking in order to pass . Hell listening to most of these sheep they will have you believe EVERY white is privileged and not one was ever poor .

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Not quote there yet are you. The indoctrinated youth are a much larger population and they vote today.

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Absolutely. I have a brainwashed college grad daughter to prove it.

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We all have them and then they grow up and enter the workplace along with the REAL WORLD !

My oldest daughter learned early on that the Left was nuts. My youngest daughter took a bit longer… until she went to nursing school, paid her agreed upon share, got a job and saw how the world actually works. Both are now firmly in the ‘right’ camp…lol.

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Unfortunately she moved to the wack city of Seattle.

The important thing in a job is they are culturally correct.

My children learned what the world is like and the sheep in it , they are ALL conservative to the bone !!! Once they pay taxes and see the waste and free shit handed out to able-bodied leeches it does take long !!!


I was head of a militia group when I was 3 months old

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said Friday that the Big Apple is at its “breaking point” as record numbers of migrants continue to arrive.

The leader submitted an emergency mutual aid request to New York State for immediate help this weekend to shelter the asylum seekers.

“We are at our breaking point. Based off our projections, we anticipate being unable to continue sheltering arriving asylum seekers on our own and have submitted an emergency mutual aid request to the State of New York beginning this weekend,” he said in a statement. “This type of request, reserved only for dire emergencies, asks the state for support to shelter arriving asylum seekers as the city faces an immediate need for additional capacity. Our initial request is for shelter to accommodate 500 asylum seekers, but, as New York City continues to see numbers balloon, this estimate will increase as well.”

I love it bankrupt those dem States !!! :heart_eyes: