Yea there is no deep state

Nothing to see here


Dam! It’s shit like this that makes me want to believe there is a God and the justice will be delivered!



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Where’s Lin’s evidence for this???
This is how conspiracists operate…Just throw it out there and the little conspiracists will retweet it for you endlessly…:roll_eyes:

Where’s Lin’s evidence for this???
This is how conspiracists operate…Just throw it out there and the little conspiracists will retweet it for you endlessly…:roll_eyes:


Or god wants you to use the weapons he gave you to eliminate the enemy. You’re gods will


That is not only profound but totally awesome!

No deep state

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Justice John Roberts took some flights on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane to you know “THAT island”, Roberts’ name is on several of the flight logs.

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That “court” in question over-represents a certain ethnic group, especially before the old hag died.

Roberts is just a goyish window dressing who is in their pay.
(Same for the Fed)

Yup he won :joy::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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There has been a Deep State since at least the 1950s, the Deep State is The Shadow Government, it is comprised of the FBI, the CIA, The Pentagon. President Dwight D. Eisenhower in one of his last speeches as President WARNED this nation about this crowd, he called it The Military Industrial Complex and he WARNED this nation of the danger it posed if it got CONTROL of running the Government.

President John F. Kennedy attempted to dismantle it and because of this they probably were behind his assassination, the Conspiracy Theory of Lee Harvey Oswald is just that a Conspiracy Theory, don’t forget the CIA coined the term Conspiracy Theory post-JFK assassination for ANYONE who did NOT believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone nut on his own with a shotgun.


Yes, and no one listened. The military has consistently grown into an albatross looking for its next victim. And yet, we have people at BP regularly lamenting every time a democrat is president that the poor military is being neglected. Last years budget, thanks to more money that Trump threw at it was 767 billion. The country with the second highest is China at 245 billion….

NOTHING ever changes, regardless of the party. Even when a non politician came in, supposed to do things differently, the military’s budget gets expanded….

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I’m in agreement. The current two-party system must change. The Dem Party used to stand for the poor and weak but now it’s the other way around.

The Dems = George Soros = the Rothschilds

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And the Republican Party use to be conservative….:wink:

:clown_face: Paying business reparations for bad Democrat policies doesn’t make us unconservative.

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Yes, he will also forget that he can easily escape.


No Deep State?