Show me where I stated anything about illegal immigration numbers.
Now why don’t you try giving a straight answer and refute the actual points that I made instead of making up things that I didn’t say and refuting those in order to win an argument that we aren’t even having.
When a republican president engages in deficit spending, he’s a hero, but when a democrat president engages in deficit spending, he’s wasteful and irresponsible.
Funfact: Under Reagan, we had the most debt. Even Obama didn’t come close.
Bernie says he wants to “transform” America. I believe he really does. Just what he wants to turn it into is unmistakable. He wants a totally socialist country with a poor economy, a weak military and a ruling oligarch of rich government officials (like him) to ride herd on the worker bees.
Obama had the same idea.
All the no good bastard Bernie is doing is pandering to the “gibsmedats” that want the cost of their existence paid for by others.
Socialism historically sucks big time. Just ask a Venezuelan refugee. What a shame that once beautiful, thriving country turned to shit at the hands of a corrupt socialist government.
I don’t agree with Yang’s freedom dividend…but I do think he was onto something in terms of the need for more entrepreneurship in the US. Instead of people aspiring to go work for companies they should aspire for even greater things like owning their own business. There’s nothing wrong with that message.