Worst President in US History

The buses were in route to middle America under Obama , he relocated 90% and counted them as deported .

Obama had ICE count turnarounds at the border as deportations.

Deporting no one while counting hundreds of thousands.

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And promised you can keep your doctor too . While deadbeats got FREE healthcare American WORKING taxpayers seen their premiums quadruple and deductibles over $6500 .

By giving BILLONS to Iran .

When was that black fuck in OUR armed forces ???

He turned them around and the direction was OVERSEAS !!!

And we have 5 genders thank you very much , you gay fucks loved that shit .

How did that stop our enemies from torturing our fine troops ? Oh never mind you could give two fucks about Americans .

Right is that why the Cubans were using sonic attacks on Americans . dipshit


What do you mean “facts”…


And a vampire, too, look at Michelle’s chompers

Hanging between “Michelle’s” legs

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You haven’t seen anything…

Montecresto, brings a briefcase to a “seltzer down the pants” party

Haven’t you got better liberal talking points to parrot, Monte?

Well that’s a worthless post. Why not deliver your proof that Obama is gay and his wife is really a man…

The only way he did that was by paroling tens of thousands of illegals in federal prisons giving them a free ride home if they promised not to come back and re-offend and by counting 'turnarounds" at the border as “deportations” which inflated his numbers by over 300%.

It’s just a flat out lie he sold us through his willing accomplices in the media to make him appear tough on immigration while still being an open borders advocate.

Probably not the worst but certainly one of the five or ten worst.

Nixon probably did more to hurt us long term than Anyone since FDR with his China Policies and creation of the EPA.

The worst things about Obama was his setting us back at least fifty or sixty years in race relations and reinventing the “War On Poverty” with his focus on “Income Inequality” and nationalized healthcare. Obamacare was designed to fail from the start to usher in a national outcry for single payer and a complete nationalization of the industry.

If The Donald actually cottons onto this, and turns it all around, he’ll be the Best President in US History, not least because he will save your treasury $3 trillion put aside for government support payments.

Oh I’ve just seen this

Dr_ManhattanFounding Member


Have you? Apparently not! Thanks for laughs!

Sorry, I didn’t realise the thread has been trashed.


More meaningless post. We’re tired.

Ahh, now you know how I feel when when you make baseless accusations without anything to back it up with as well as intentional thread derailing. Beside this post wasn’t even directed at you so why don’t you mind your own business!

Theres only been 1 modern president I have ever liked, Calvin Coolidge, other than that" theyre just Pawns of the Two Party System.

Obozo gave us 8 years of corruption, 8 years of Hypocrisy, 8 years of bowing to terrorists, 8 years and almost 11 trillion dollars spent and nothing to show for it, 8 year and spent more than all of our 44 presidents combined he spent, 8 years of identity politics, 8 years of venting racism, 8 Years filled with unconstitutional executive orders, 8 years of one bad policy after another that only dug us deeper into debt. The only people i know that think higly of him were youngsters living at home under the parents roof well past their 30th birthdays and unemployed seeking a handout as well.

Even liberal history writers agree its not looking good for their guy. There is nothing to really reflect on that help a single soul. I ven many prominent black people have stated that POTUS Trump has done more
For them than even their black POTUS.

Question is? Have you been sleeping, smoking a bit too much dope or been in a
Coma so long and now freaked out because your parents told you to get out get a job etc?

I bet a lot of LIBTARDS are upset that they actually have to work now…

But to not know these facts and they are getting worse for Obozo every day. All the puzzle pieces show he was involved in setting up a newly elected POTUS from prior to his leaving the White House.

I can’t wait for Durham to start charging people and them cutting deals to avoid sitting in jail for 20 years or more.

I know, Libtards will brush that off as usual as partisan politics. Hypocrisy lives in the DNC!

FDR was worse. He imprisoned hundreds of thousands based on race alone. Was the worlds worst economist, we should have been in the war far sooner and shouldve shot Reds and Nazis, hes heralded as a hero by idiots, Obama is second worse though.

The removal of Japanese Americans from the West Coast was not the worst part. It does make sense.

But the worst part of FDR was wanting Japan to attack Pearl Harbor to enter the fray in Europe. He forbade Admiral Kimmel to conduct reconnaissance flights north of Hawaii when a Japanese surprise attack was expected.

There was a Japanese submarine sunk before the actual attack but it was inconvenient for FDR so he kept it secret. (I even heard that on Paul Harvey’s Rest of the Story.) Why is it not written in American history textbooks?

He was a communist, 33rd degree Mason and Illuminati, hell bent on large scale bloodshed. He also gave the nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union and enriched uranium during WWII (as attested by Major Jordan).

I’m in full agreement.

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That is a bunch of BS! FDR was dead long after the Manhattan project was completed. So much for your revisionist history!