Wild Fires turning California and Oregon Orange

I have the perfect job and I dread the day that I have to liquidate and go some live some place like Florida

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Hopefully your perfect job let’s you go remote.

Depends where in Florida.

Where I live a Biden or leftie sticker on a car makes people look at you like you’re an alien.

Wut? The climate has always changed.

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If you subscribe to the theory that man can change the climate, more people equals more pollution.

In that case of you believe the pundits, the windmills/solar and all that nonsense is nothing but a bandaid on an arterial wound.

Bill Gates is taking care of that with his toxic vaccines.

Climate always changes.
It’s the way of nature. Not people.

Fires on the left coast are probably the result of leftist arson. Don’t blame nature.

Obviously, I don’t live in California for its politics. I’m a native, and I love the climate on the west coast. I’ve lived a number of other places and I keep coming back despite all of the craziness and high costs.

They’re starting to push “wealth taxes” that would be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

It’s a shame such a beautiful place has been taken over by the radical left.

I really wish governors were elected not by popular vote but by an electoral college.

Theoretically, man now has the technology to change the climate.

However, I do not subscribe to just by existing, man has changed the climate. :wink:

Citizens aren’t fucking around in Oregon right now.

Ugh…so much wrong with this. First of all, she should not be allowed to have a gun in public. Second of all, there’s literally no proof he was doing anything more than holding some matches which isn’t a crime!

Why do I get the feeling that you enjoy nightly butt poundings from the weakest among the BLM and Antifa ranks?

If she is licensed and legal there is nothing wrong with having a gun. Second, you fucking retarded assholes help create this mess so you can stop crying when such push back occurs! I am pretty sure setting fires, that killed people and displaced a half a million more is deserving a total rebuke of your brand of politics.

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You and the leftists at the FBI can get fucked…so says America.

Bottom line. She pulled a gun on a guy for having matches. I hope she was arrested.

Are you fucking retarded? He was on private property, wandering around in the woods, flicking matches with raging forest fires all around him.

Uh no! Look dumbass! If you were on my property flicking matches you would have been shot! So get out of here with more of your retarded bullshit! Surely in times where wild fires are raging and arson is the culprit her actions can be seen as justified. Nowhere in your liberal logic do you get to call a civil rights violation when the rule of law doesn’t apply to ones setting the fires! Maybe someone should light your house on fire and see how you feel about your own security!

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Doesn’t change the fact that she threatened someone with a gun for having matches on them. I hope she rots in prison where she belongs. Absolutely disgusting and anti-American.

Just remember…you are the party of fuck around and find out.

It does matter! He was on private property trespassing and she was within her legal right to have done what she did! Are you really that fking retarded? Seriously! No wonder you asshats are losing elections, the more ignorance that you are willing to display here without knowing the laws is tantamount to giving a baby a razor blade! Your stupidity knows no shame! Seriously! Educate yourself! I think we should round up all people like you and send you off to internment camps for your blatant stupidity!