Why live in the US if there's so much to bitch about?

Life in the US is becoming more and more intelerable.

Benjamin Netanyahu 1990

Cool. More people should just leave/get out. The grass isn’t greener on the other side… it’s just a different shade of green. If you leave and then decide you want to come back… fuck you. You are now your new country’s problem.

That is usually a double edge sword. If more people leave then that is akin to waving the white flag and the Democrats have won.

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I say this to Israelis. When millions of (Jooish) Israelis leave Palestine, it will be more beneficial for Palestinians.

This is Jooish History 101.
They have been kicked out from so many countries and Joos always complain about it, but never mention WHY they have been hated and kicked out.

Netanyahu is no prophet. He is merely echoing the teachings and decisions of the rabbis and their councils (Sanhedrin or whatever it is called) late in the 19th century to target a new country across the Atlantic.


I don’t know much about gastronomy, but I hear there is a definite quality difference in foods sold in the US and France/Italy. And it affects the restaurant food as well.

Needless to say, France, Italy and Spain take pride in their tradition of food preparation.

Of course there are fast foods and Coca Cola in Europe, but Europeans avoid them if they can.

Not just the US and Canada, but the entire west seems to be crumbling.

What to do? Move to Russia. Just saying.

It’s a country where you’ll never get mugged or raped by “minority” crriminals.

That is probably true… but I’ll stay in the good ol’ USA any day, thank you.

If your were bald, would you be inclined to wear a hat?

Rodin’s The Thinker is now wearing a hat.

There have been some controversies whether it was his forehead or chin he was supporting with his right hand. Some say it was with his palm and not knuckle.

I always thought he was butt naked, supporting his chin with his right knucle, and the right elbow resting on his right knee… And NEVER wore a hat!

This is the most ridiculous Mandela Effect I’ve ever heard.
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On the other hand, this is not a Mandela Effect. We’ve been lied to. Big time.

Bottom line: Germans and Russians have never been America’s enemies.

Remember General Patton? He said “We defeated the wrong enemy.” As for Russia, are you listening to Col MacGregor and Scott Ritter?

I am bald… for the most part. And yes… I do wear a hat when I’m on the golf course. :wink:

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A thinker! Good on you.

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If one stays clear from the cities, then America is OK

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Big cities vote for Dems for a reason.
All parasites are in big cities.