Why do people continue to enforce sexism and racism?

So, here’s a radical feminist and “professor” who has now written a paper claiming the raping and sexual abuse of dairy cows by dairy farmers…

It isn’t just self-hate … they’re nuttier than a 50lb burlap bag of peanuts…


Why does this subject need any attention? Maybe she should nvestigate how bull semen is collected and talk to dairy farmers why they use artificial insemination .

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No disagreement with that…

If I may, please quote what you’re responding to for clarity.

Good grief, hopefully with private funding…

My last response was about the college professor who doesn’t know a dairy farm from a Dairy Queen .
Artificial insemination is done with sperm from selected bulls that have traits that dairy farmers want in new calves to breed better cows for better milk.
Before making these comments, she should visit dairy farms, and talk to them before making these dumb statements.

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This is the post I was referring to beadencup49, I’m not sure what you’re referring to?

Theres a post about some JACKASS that wrote a research paper saying that artificial insemination of cows is rape and milking is sexual assault .Check back a little bit.
The Liberals use of racism and sexism is used to divide society, haave people turn on each other and keep attention off things that really matter.

What an utterly hateful and shameful thing to say to someone who offers to take time out of their day to include you and your family in their prayers.

Oh my gosh! Then does that make bees flower rapists? :flushed:

See my earlier point in this post! Proof positive that is true! The hypocrisy is revealed!

Tell the poor dimwit most farmers use milking machines it’s faster and more efficient than milking by hand.

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It seem that gay right’s have never been better ?
Maybe racism is a better fit for your narrative ?
As the topics of conversation at America’s largest assembly of gay activists suggests, America is rapidly becoming a post-gay country. Gay people were once policed as criminal subversives, depicted in the popular culture as deviants, and pathologized by the medical establishment as mentally ill. Now most of America views homosexuality as benign. Only 30 years ago, 57 percent of Americans believed consensual gay sex should be illegal. Today, same-sex marriage has been achieved nationally, gays can serve openly in the military, and most gay people live in states that protect them from discrimination. An openly gay man is running a serious campaign for president and his homosexuality is considered immaterial, if not an advantage that distinguishes him from a crowded field. According to the Pew Research Center, 70 percent of Americans say homosexuality should be accepted, an all-time high.https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/06/battle-gay-rights-over/592645/

It’s not a narrative. I guess your data suggests that bigots that seek to suppress gays are becoming increasingly marginalized. That’s good progress. There needs to be no discrimination however.

Has never been better . Guess you have to find a different pot to stir ?

I’m not stirring a pot, I’m responding to the op. Otherwise, as long as there’s any discrimination, there’s need for improvement and advocacy…:man_shrugging:

Why do people continue to enforce sexism and racism?

This op ?

Yeah, as long as there’s any racism or sexism it’s going to be opposed.


“Are we sliding towards communism because people on the right are “suppressing” gays and lesbians???”
No never been better !!