I live in Boston which has been absolutely destroyed by Democrats.
I work close to one of the largest United States postal locations in America.
I see the workers walk from their cars across a bridge to work, they are sheep, they have their head down, they walk in collect a check leave, go on vacation, enjoy their two days off and Benefits, and soon to come pension.
BUT: they ignore what’s coming with communism, their property won’t be theirs, education will mean nothing, rights are getting shredded. And they will be slaughtered if they dissent. Like all communist regimes do. Kill anyone that disagrees.
I just wish Americans will wake up and choose liberty and freedom over false security.
This is worse than fake news…it’s a rant so a dictator like trumputin stays in the presidency…Boston is ONE THERE ARE MANY MORE… example of what republiCONS DO funnel all the money to the rich and the big corps…nothing else gets done Moscow mitch hasn’t passed anything for the country since he’s been there…yet TRILLIONS …TRILLIONS…TRILLIONS $$$$$$ HAVE GONE TO THE RICH. AND THE BIG CORPS…the retrumpliCON PARTY AKA THE REPUBICAN PARTY…is a failure in every. measurable way…red necks are the retrumpliCON party. the dumbest group of people in the world…
Why are you retrumpliCONS such liars really really big dumb liars…cuz you lie about things everyone knows to be true…dumb and dumber was made to show what retrumpliCONS are all about…