My goal in life is to have as many white babies as my body will allow. I won’t allow myself or my family to be replaced without a fight. I want to live off the land and raise the children. I will cook and clean and I will let my man be a man.
Most men are like public toilets; either taken or full of shit.
The big ( look at recorded history ) picture. ALL countries, great nations, societies, run their course. Seems like it’s the most primitive that continue to exist. Not that existing can be considered lving; but they still exist. Go figure. I’m not a fatalist or apathetic; and I’m not a great philosopher or psychiatrist; but I SEE WHAT I SEE. Myself, I had an idyllic chidhood. Freedom to beat the band. Dad worked & mom handled the home. I wanted for nothing; but I was never demanding. I was mature enough at 16, to enslist in the US Navy. Graduated at 17 & I was gone. I did not have to leave; but I figured my parents already gave me 16 years of their lives. I was not aone. I guess I was a member of the last honorable generation. Anyway, once humanity is erased from the planet, the Earth will clean itself up quickly. Just a few million years of geologic time, and it wil be as if we never exiisted. So there’s that. We are very arrogant; but not as special as we would like to believe. Heh.
Why blame women for the lack of kids? It takes two. Many men feel precious in their 20’s, 30’s, maybe even 40’s, whining about women and that they are not good enough, don’t earn enough money, got no career, not good at cooking etc etc. Look above. Then come their 50’s, they are alone with no wife and no kids, then the perception changes. 80% of women pass their genes to the next generation, but only 40% of men do.
What is the source for the premise of the OP, or is it just a personal observation?
You have summed up the situation very well.
The contemporary media trends via social media and internet content have been manipulated and dominated to saturate the youth with these messages.
Families today need to be more cohesive and instructive to counter the fear mongering youth face through formal education and all media and film.
It is a difficult battle.
Having children is the most important and rewarding sacrifice we will ever make.
I get this.
You can do it with some hard core personal finance discipline. Pay yourself 10% first. Save as much as possible to get a reliable vehicle and then a home. Doesn’t matter how much you make. Sacrifice entertainment for a second income. If you have a partner that shares this vision, you will not fail. It can be done in as little as 3-5 years.
Make it a goal…Stick to that goal.
This breaks my heart. I can only see this getting better by allowing yourself to be close to someone and fully gain their trust so you can trust them in return. There IS someone out there that can be trusted in the way you need.
Most…not all…
A lot of people put the blame on women because women are killing thier own babies at genocidal rates
Abortion is murder
Most millennials are not having children for financial reasons the modern cost for an education is extremely high the cost of living is too high (rent buy a car saving for a deposit to buy a house car insurance or public transport are all far too expensive) and if you add child care to that and taking time off work to raise the child and a women will have to take time off work when pregnant which will affect career development and after all of that you’re still going to have to pay for childcare when the child is no longer a baby most people cannot afford to do this particularly when they are already addicted to buying the new iPhone and other materialistic goods
Here is the good news guys I am a millennial and I’m going to be having my second child this month
It sounds like you’re doing alright you just need to have the correct vetting process as a woman looking to settle down if you listened to most of the people on this website or the internet in general you would be convinced that the world is full of bad People the truth is is there are more good people than bad people and there are more moral people than immoral people
As a parent of a millennial most comments are not even close
I have 2 kids and breastfed them for a total of 2 years. My body is exactly the same as it was before kids. I don’t even have a single stretch mark. Of course the media would tell you that I am not “real” because you cannot be real unless you let yourself go and look a mess, right?
I had sporadic sleep for about 5 years. That was between 2 babies. But your body adapts - you learn to cope on 3 hours or whatever. You get straight into deep sleep and miss out the light bits.
That is up to you and the boundaries you give them… or not.
True, but you or your husband goes and earns more money. So don’t marry a loser!
The unconditional love and bond between parent and child is like no other. You get many times more from your kids than what you provide for them. There is no price for love.
What do you think the answer is???
Same here and agreed.
I think one factor, aside from a lot of people starting out in life with large college debt, is the breakdown in the security of a spouse.
A lot of marriages don’t work. Add a child or children into the equation and things get a lot more complicated especially with financial strains.
Women are built to nurture, take care of and protect their children. There is always the fear that a spouse will leave the marriage and very typically, the woman is left with the bulk of child rearing.
Family members may be spread out throughout different states so it is difficult to rely on family to help out…
It is important to a lot of women, if they bring children into the world, that they are financially prepared to take care of them; prepare for the worst but expect the best kind of scenario.
People are living longer and longer these days so having children in your 30’s doesn’t mean you’re a late bloomer.
It is smart to get some life wisdom under your belt, a career and experience so you can bring a child into a stable environment. Don’t overbuy, be frugal. Save. Invest in a home. Build a good foundation.
I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. I think it is smart.
That is an absolute fact. Mine is 26 with a beautiful girlfriend that I absolutely adore. They were each other’s crushes in 4th grade! They are absolute soul mates but even so, they are taking things slow and steady. Both building a foundation together. I am proud of them both.
And I look back on all of the years and all I can remember are the great things. The milestones, the laughter, the excitement, the snuggles, the story times. Even the things that were “bad” were opportunities to correct, help the child grow into the role of adulthood and watch the hard choices and lessons come to fruition.
There is just absolutely nothing of material value that outweighs seeing your child well turned out with the skills they need to be assured they can take on life.
People with kids spend their lives putting their kids first, always. People without kids spend their lives putting themselves first. That sure as hell determines the sort of person you become.