We AGREE !!!
Dont you think that as a society we should be doing more to make the fathers accountable.
I see a lot of criticism of single moms but very little about the men who refuse to take responsibility?
A lot of men were precluded from being father figures for their children because of the design of the rules of the liberal welfare plantation. Single moms can receive money for each child as long as there is no man in the house.
This was designed to allow the nanny government to take over and become the provider for the home…thus controlling the family.
Our own government caused the demise of the family unit (mother, father, children) and has manufactured several generations of unruly young people who have low ethics, low morals and a short life expectancy.
It is no wonder that kids will kill other kids for a damn pair of sneakers.
Ultimately unless she is raped the woman has complete control and all the power.
“Single Dads” are not a large enough group to have any statistical significance which is why the focus is on “Single Mom’s”.
What more to you think can be done to “Hold Men Accountable”?
They can have their incomes, tax returns, even property seized and can be thrown in jail for failing to pay child support under current law.
What more do you suggest?
And it precipitated the decline of the American Family and created a generational problem with kids failing to complete school and end up in prison.
I get it, its the fault of the woman.
By the way you post I have to wonder if you are an incel. You certainly talk like one.
Congrats on the fabricated bullshit.
Unless the woman is raped she has the final say on whether or not she has sex so that responsibility is hers.
The men aren’t getting off easy even though once they’ve had sex with the woman all the decisions belong to her.
Those are simply facts.
As I said spoken like a true incel.
You know you’re just showing the weakness of your own arguments resorting to baseless insults dont’ you?
Show where I am factually wrong on any point I outlined if you can.