Not in the least. Making such an equation would be the product of a sick mind.
Of the Japanese who identify as religious about 90% or more are Buddhists.
The most iconic element of the park is the 10 meter statue created by Seibo Kitamura located at the north end of the area. The right hand here points towards the sky symbolizing the threat of the nuclear bomb, and the left arm with its arm open is a symbol for eternal peace.
Bullshit. Nukes are area weapons, not point target weapons. All they needed to do was target the center of the city which is exactly what the bombardiers did.
Perhaps the best evidence is the fact that Nagasaki wasn’t even on the priority target list, it was only hit because the primary and secondary targets were obscured by cloud cover.
Facts really don’t matter in a religion or belief system, including modern science which IS a belief system according to Rupert Sheldrake, author of The Science Delusion.
It is all the more necessary to ask yourself, what do you really worship?
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.”
" O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"